Silva or Tevez?


Well-Known Member
21 Feb 2010
I don't want to tempt fate here, but here's the scenario:

One player gets injured for the rest of the season. It's a straight choice between Silva and Tevez. Who would you want to be the player who stays injury free, Silva or Tevez?

The reason I ask is that I was again defending City from the charge that we're over-reliant on Tevez. I argued that Silva was a more important player in dictating the way we play and the chances we create, even if Tevez can get a 'something-from-nothing goal' when we play badly. With Silva, we don't need that, because we tend NOT to play badly (with a few obvious and recent second half exceptions!). Then again, can you really argue with Tevez's stats? (18PL goals, 6PL assists, top of the combined goal/assist table in the PL)

You can probably tell from the explanation above that I'd pick Silva over Tevez, on balance. But who would YOU pick?
I would rather Tevez get injured.

I love him, and his name is on the back of my shirt, but we can score goals without tevez if silva is pulling the strings.
I'd rather Tevez got injured.

We dont have a replacement for Silva. Instead of Tevez we have Balotelli and Dzeko who are both capable of scoring goals.
20sbc07 said:
I'd rather Tevez got injured.

We dont have a replacement for Silva. Instead of Tevez we have Balotelli and Dzeko who are both capable of scoring goals.
This but they are both superb.

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