I'm not in favour of mass immigration. Very few people are, if any.
I'm in favour of necessary immigration. Unfortunately, all the political parties for 40 years or more have never developed a rational plan beyond anti-immigrant rhetoric. We could, for example, train more of our own people to be doctors, nurses, dentists, IT engineers and so on, but no government can be arsed. We could do more to train people in areas of skill shortage, for example, brickies, sparks, joiners, roofers, plumbers, but no government can be arsed.
We could make it easier for 'natives' to take up job opportunities in areas where the work is. Again, no government can be arsed.
We could enforce things like the minimum wage much more vigorously and with heavy penalties for non-compliance. Again, no government can be arsed.
It's so much easier to whip up hatred about foreigners, and it's a lot cheaper. But whipping up hatred solves nothing. It just creates rioting and criminal records.
BTW, ask yourself why the Tories issued visas for over 1 million immigrants in a single year. Yes, they did! Why? Not for political advantage, surely? It must have been because, they, the Tories, saw economic reasons for it. Can you deny that?
They diverted us by getting people wound up about 'the boats' who constitute about 3% of immigrants, while waving through the 97% with a smile on their faces. You need to investigate why the 97% were considered so necessary that they were granted visas. The Tories were big on rhetoric, but gave visas to 97% of all immigrants. Just have a think about that.