Sleeping Tonight

Thought about having a session but don't want a dirty hangover tomorrow. Only had 2 beers tonight but going to attempt to sleep now.
Been awake since 5.30am and I am unable to relax. Keep churning things over in my head - what time do I leave? What route should I take? Where am I going to eat? Do I need to top-up the Oyster card and how much I want Tevez to make a miraculous recovery.
Have to leave my house at 5.20am, no point going to sleep now as my alarm won't wake me up. WW3 wouldn't wake me up!
Funny how much easier it is to get up for City than work. 1st alarm and up like a shot. Had my bacon butties the lot.
been awake all night, i need a can of special brew to calm my nerves lol!! have a save trip fellow blues!!!!
Grimble said:
Funny how much easier it is to get up for City than work. 1st alarm and up like a shot. Had my bacon butties the lot.

that is true :) i was out like a shot at 05.30, we are setting off now

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