Small time Stoke.

mike o said:
I'm just astounded that they call us smack heads, seen a few of them say it even before this video.

The place is without doubt the biggest shit hole ive ever been too.

Living in Stafford now, trips to Stoke are always a nightmare for me, yokel bloody people with a very blinkered view of the world!
bluelady47 said:
Do they represent all local potters (meeeethinksoooooooooo)
Load of shite or what ![/q

-- Fri May 06, 2011 1:11 am --

Breadsnapper said:
How many posts before the stoke fans get banned? Leave now guys it will degenerate, you will insult and you will get banned.
Can't understand why anyone would join another teams fans forum.
Proving his point precisely.
'Sugar daddy'.
I may be mistaken but who were the 'brilliant fans' who hounded out their locally raised chairman and 'proper fan' in favour of, err, foreign owners?
But they were white foreigners, which is better than men of colour who we all know are 'camel fuckers'.
Not that that is at all racist. Oh no.
Come on, remind me, they terrorised his family, spat in his wife and daughter's faces in the stadium and turned up at his mansion behind Sandbach services and put all the windows in?
Still can't remember?
I think they opposed this man's return and went mental when he brought back an old manager.
Still got amnesia, or too busy out canvassing for the BNP?
Hypocrites and jokers. Oh, and racists too.
Bye bye.

-- Fri May 06, 2011 1:28 am --

Shafter said:
So, what do you buggers reckon of my singing voice then??? ;-)
Shafter is here to save the day, always welcome.
Do you get a train from Stoke to Manchester, or a time machine?
I just tend to take the A34 up to Manchester on my Pennyfarthing Longsight my good man ;-)

To be honest i fucking pissed myself at the "Man City are Wank" song albeit slightly embarassing. One and all should take it in good nature.

Can't bloody wait till next week dine landan.

Lets enjoy
Quite like this comment about it on youtube.

I'm from Stoke, and support the club, and I'm going to Wembley. But fuck me, this kind of retardation makes me glad I left that shithole as soon as I could.

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