
I would argue that no normal person would ever want to be an MP, let alone PM. It attracts nutters like certain professions and voluntary roles attract paedos.

In fact - this is very radical - I think the only way to get honest politicians would be to conscript them from that part of the public that doesn't want to be a politician. But some sort of intelligence/education/psychology underpinning would be needed.

It would never work, hence we are stuck with the nutters.
Who was friends with a prolific paedophile after his conviction?

He met him a few times to try and get donations, not what anyone in the real world would call friendship.

You can’t define sociopaths as someone lacking empathy and then claim someone who has devoted the last half of his life to trying to cure diseases in poor countries by donating most of his wealth is one.
He met him a few times to try and get donations, not what anyone in the real world would call friendship.

You can’t define sociopaths as someone lacking empathy and then claim someone who has devoted the last half of his life to trying to cure diseases in poor countries by donating most of his wealth is one.

Yet his wife and co-founder of his foundation listed as a reason for their divorce.

Depends on his motivation...

Maybe he just wants to be remembered?

Robert Maxwell also gave plenty of money to Charity and made sure that people knew about it.

Jimmy savile was also a prolific charity fund raiser.
So no need to mention it to get a divorce then?

Her lawyers have told her to bring up something that could damage his reputation as a shot across the bows in divorce proceedings.

If she cared about Epstein she would have left a decade ago, 15 years ago. No one divorces someone when the person they don't like them being "friends" with dies.

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