
Her lawyers have told her to bring up something that could damage his reputation as a shot across the bows in divorce proceedings.

If she cared about Epstein she would have left a decade ago, 15 years ago. No one divorces someone when the person they don't like them being "friends" with dies.

Are you more Catholic than the pope?

It isn’t something that Bill Gates disputes, he admitted that she had keener instincts on the type of person Epstein was.

Which ultimately proved right as Epstein was looking to skim commission off of charitable donations that came because of his recommendations, before you get to reputational matters.
Are you more Catholic than the pope?

It isn’t something that Bill Gates disputes, he admitted that she had keener instincts on the type of person Epstein was.

Which ultimately proved right as Epstein was looking to skim commission off of charitable donations that came because of his recommendations, before you get to reputational matters.

Well if you suddenly care what Bill Gates says, he says he was never friends with him.
Well if you suddenly care what Bill Gates says, he says he was never friends with him.

Friendship, relationship. The exact term doesn't matter. Friends is a loose term. Predatory paedophiles don't have real friends so it's a pedantic point to focus on.

The key point is It was known he was a convicted sex offender and Bill Gates still decided to meet him, Melinda was not comfortable with it all. The ends justify the means is a common mindset of sociopaths.

Unless Bill has disputed Melinda's claims there isn't any point arguing over, it has already been accepted as fact.
Friendship, relationship. The exact term doesn't matter. Friends is a loose term. Predatory paedophiles don't have real friends so it's a pedantic point to focus on.

The key point is It was known he was a convicted sex offender and Bill Gates still decided to meet him, Melinda was not comfortable with it all. The ends justify the means is a common mindset of sociopaths.

Unless Bill has disputed Melinda's claims there isn't any point arguing over, it has already been accepted as fact.

He met an unsavory billionaire a few times to try and get donations to his charity that is trying to eliminate aids in Africa.

And you've managed to decide that makes him a sociopath, it's infantile bullshit.
Sociopath, sorry. Point remains the same as you know.

It’s not. He was a ruthless businessman hellbent on world domination who stepped over his friend and co-founder of microsoft.

The premise of the thread is a touch out of reality anyway. If sociopath means ASPD, it's unlikely he is unless he is super high functioning, because there is no way he would have had such success without pissing too many people off on the way up.

I don't accept that we can't question motivations for philanthropy though. When it has been frequently used by the wealthy for self-serving reasons.
You been on Twitter recently?

It's a f*cking bin fire. He couldn't make it any worse if he tried.
I think he has bigger ideas for Twitter so he probably isn't too bothered about it. Recent filings show that Twitter as a company actually no longer exists and it's now being merged into something bigger called X Corp.

He's always said that he wants an integrated app, sort of like Twitter integrated into a new Whatsapp, Facebook, payment provider etc, all in one place.
I would argue that no normal person would ever want to be an MP, let alone PM. It attracts nutters like certain professions and voluntary roles attract paedos.

In fact - this is very radical - I think the only way to get honest politicians would be to conscript them from that part of the public that doesn't want to be a politician. But some sort of intelligence/education/psychology underpinning would be needed.

It would never work, hence we are stuck with the nutters.
I see this intelligence question all the time on here (more so where it's repeated endlessly in the Brexit thread to close down the view of others) but it doesn't make sense in reality. When you talk of intelligence you have to remember that most MP's are highly educated or at least I'd guess far more educated than most.

Take into account this, many on here supported the likes of Jeremy Corbyn who doesn't have a university or even college education yet the current PM has a degree from Oxford and an MBA from Stanford, and has actually worked in the real world.

So who is more qualified and passes the intelligence test in this case? If we were to only test intelligence or education then the Oxford/Cambridge mafia would be the only ones left. Half the Labour cabinet would be obliterated for a start.
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