sod the champions league

To be honest i'm not actually sure that it always helps the team having a full stadium at the final whistle.

A lot of the time the atmosphere in the stands can be toxic with fans getting on players' backs and shouting abuse at every pass.
I have been reading this forum for years and never bothered registering because anything I've got to say is usually covered by someone else during a thread.
I've decided to contribute to this thread because there are somethings I would love to know the answers to. Could the people who leave early please tell me why they need to get home so early?
For me going to the match is usually the highlight of my week and it makes me feel really jealous of these people who have such exciting lives that they need to be home half an hour early. I sit in block 232, probably the quietest in the ground. Infact the loudest noise (apart from the moaning git who sits two rows behind me) is the seat backs going up on 84 minutes as most of the block head for the exits and back to their action filled lives. Leaving me forlornly watching on and wondering where it all went wrong.
Another question to the traffic dodgers. On Sunday and the unthinkable happens and we manage to beat Reading to qualify for the FA cup semi final (Our first for 30 years). Will they be staying to cheer the team off or have you got more pressing engagements to attend.

As custom requires please feel free to call me a Rag
im not calling anyone but ive never understood it. its like walking out of the cinema before the film ends. why take all that time out of your day to go and miss the best bit to get home 15 mins earlier ?
Gingers Dad said:
I have been reading this forum for years and never bothered registering because anything I've got to say is usually covered by someone else during a thread.
I've decided to contribute to this thread because there are somethings I would love to know the answers to. Could the people who leave early please tell me why they need to get home so early?
For me going to the match is usually the highlight of my week and it makes me feel really jealous of these people who have such exciting lives that they need to be home half an hour early. I sit in block 232, probably the quietest in the ground. Infact the loudest noise (apart from the moaning git who sits two rows behind me) is the seat backs going up on 84 minutes as most of the block head for the exits and back to their action filled lives. Leaving me forlornly watching on and wondering where it all went wrong.
Another question to the traffic dodgers. On Sunday and the unthinkable happens and we manage to beat Reading to qualify for the FA cup semi final (Our first for 30 years). Will they be staying to cheer the team off or have you got more pressing engagements to attend.

As custom requires please feel free to call me a Rag

Welcome to the board mate and keep on posting, you will enjoy it and before i forget.......RAG ;-)

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