Some of our 'fans' are disgusting

I was sat in a different seat today and had the misfortune to be sat a few rows back from a complete and utter clown.

He was shouting absolute shite from start to finish. You know the type. Middle aged bloke, thinks he's a geezer, constantly saying stuff that he thinks is funny but isn't in the slightest and people just grin weakly as they feel they have to acknowledge him, shouting stuff that is completely incorrect and ridiculous about all aspects of the game. Overweight, but he doesn't think he is, and wearing his 'middle aged man who has noticed the sun' uniform. Reflective shades, short sleeved shirt, jeans, gelled short hair.

Anyway, from starting to finish this prick was more interested about slagging off Micah Richards than anything else. He hadn't come to support City, he'd come to slag Micah Richards off. If Richards did something it was always wrong. If another player did the same thing then it wasn't worthy of comment. If Richards stood off a man, he needed to fucking close him down. If he closed him down he was a dick for letting another player run into the space behind him. If Richards tacled someone and it went out for a corner he was fucking shit. If he passed a man on to the next defender rather than commit himself, he was shit. When he beat a man with the ball down the wing, he was shit because he couldn't beat the next two. If he didn't beat a man and passed it short, he was shit for not having the balls to beat them. When Shay Given kicked it to Ade up front, Richards was shit because he didn't want the ball (even though the 3 other defenders hadn't shown for it either and none were in worse positions).

If I had to sit near this clown every week I honestly couldn't go. The bloke was a disgrace. Shouting regularly "I fucking hate him" and how he was "a nugget" and other stuff.

The worst thing about it was that there were two teenage kids with him. They seemed quite normal, decent lads, but as the game wore on, under the barrage of this clown, they gradually moved towards agreeing with him, as kids of that age often do with adults/parents who are giving it the billy big bolllocks, know-it-all shite, until by the end they were slagging him off at every opportunity and agreeing that he is a disgrace to the club.

Now, I'm not saying Richards had a brilliant game. I'm not interested in discussing that here. I am saying that people who come to just slag a player off, out youngest and most inexperienced player at that, for everything he does, whether it is good or not, are a fucking embarrassment.

When the person doing it is a caricature of some sort of comedy 'middle aged man who thinks he is looking good but is looking like Man at C&A crossed with a "pub bore' parody it's even more laughable.
Shock fecking horror!

You sit in a football stadium for 90 mins with 48,000 other poeple and some of them do something that you dont like!

Get a fecking grip you whinging feckers!

Try church in the morning, it might be more to your tastes?
I really wish someone would walk over to these clowns heckling our own players and slap them around the head, if most the crowd turned on these idiots they would think twice next time.
Thankfully the nob who sat two rows behind me last season (who has a real Terry Christian "oh citeh" accent) has moved a few rows back somehow. Sadly it looks like he's been joined by his mate who's an even bigger mouthy tw@t. Block 202, you know who you are!

It seems like they only go to have a moan, even given today's first half demolition and ultimate win. The stewards or ultimately the police should do something about it.

Saying all that, Richards and SWP should have gone for Zab and Weiss with 20 mins to go Mr Hughes.
Bluemooner33 said:
I really wish someone would walk over to these clowns heckling our own players and slap them around the head, if most the crowd turned on these idiots they would think twice next time.

I had a verbal pop at one who was giving Ireland dog's abuse last season. All you get from them is "I've paid my money I'll say what I like blah blah blah.."
He was shouting absolute shite from start to finish. You know the type. Middle aged bloke, thinks he's a geezer, constantly saying stuff that he thinks is funny but isn't in the slightest and people just grin weakly as they feel they have to acknowledge him, shouting stuff that is completely incorrect and ridiculous about all aspects of the game. Overweight, but he doesn't think he is, and wearing his 'middle aged man who has noticed the sun' uniform. Reflective shades, short sleeved shirt, jeans, gelled short hair.

How old are you mate! This 'geezer's' probably been to more matches than you have had nappy changes!!!! Did you go over to him & say something, did you turn round & shout at him! No, because probably he would have shouted your spotty little face down!

Next time don't tar us all with the same brush. Yes I have a slight beer belly, I'm middle aged & gowing grey, but it's not just my f**k*n age group that shout s**te!

Agree with everyone. I was happy with the 3 points & there was a few people around me, who I've not noticed at matches before (in my 30 years of attending) who p**s*d me off!

By the way, I have jeans but my hair is short, not jelled! I'd like to meet you in 20 years time!
blueinsa said:
Shock fecking horror!

You sit in a football stadium for 90 mins with 48,000 other poeple and some of them do something that you dont like!

Get a fecking grip you whinging feckers!

Try church in the morning, it might be more to your tastes?

Dunno mate, last time I went to church, the priest got booed off the pulpit....

blueinsa said:
Shock fecking horror!

You sit in a football stadium for 90 mins with 48,000 other poeple and some of them do something that you dont like!

Get a fecking grip you whinging feckers!

Try church in the morning, it might be more to your tastes?

Going to a football ground doesn't give you a license to act like a twat.
Tree said:
blueinsa said:
Shock fecking horror!

You sit in a football stadium for 90 mins with 48,000 other poeple and some of them do something that you dont like!

Get a fecking grip you whinging feckers!

Try church in the morning, it might be more to your tastes?

Going to a football ground doesn't give you a license to act like a twat.

So doing something or saying something that you dont agree with makes you a twat does it?

Mods, are we to suffer the same fecking boring threads after every game, created by a few City fans wanting to do nothing but slag off other City fans?
Don't get me wrong. What I was trying to convey is that he was dead on with the look of a certain type of bloke who, on this occasion, happens to be the middle aged, know-it-all. loudmouth, pub bore.

I wasn't particularly having a go at his fashion sense, it was his attitude. His fashion sense and the way he conducted himself just fitted nicely into that stereotype. That's why I mentioned it. If you'd asked someone to draw a picture of a mouthy, know nothing man at the football, 80% of them would have come up with something like this.

If you've taken that as a slight on all middle aged blokes then I apoligise. It wasn't meant like that.

As for my spotty face. If I still had acne at my age I'd be worrying. I might be younger, older or the same age as the clown in question, but that's besides the point.

Oh, and as for going over and starting a fight about it, from several rows back. Do me a favour. I could do that every week if I disagreed with what people are shouting. If you would have done that then you obviously have a far bigger cock than me and I am a shithouse.

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