One of mine is when a couple to a group of people stop and have a chinwag somewhere busy, like say in the middle of an aisle in a supermarket. Then because you had not prepared to speak aloud in public in this moment that first "excuse me" falls off your tongue with all the audio clout of a porn stars fart. Of course, it's not heard, you take a deep breath a let out the second one, it has a bit more kick but obviously not too much more, you can't let them know you are agitated and don't want to seem rude, I am British after all. This one also fails to register to the person you are trying to pass because they are too busy waxing lyrical about their shit life. But alas, not all heroes wear capes and the person that is being spouted this trivial bile hears my plea. They put their hand on this emotional terrorist's shoulder whilst looking toward me, the global gesture for you're blocking someones path. The cretin takes a step out of the way whilst simultaneously glancing at you for about 0.3 seconds this is swiftly followed with a "oh sorry" as their head rotates back from whence it came, they continue their life never knowing the turmoil they had caused. This guardian angel though, gestures a Mona Lisaesque smile in your direction, their deed of the day is done.