Something trivial that makes you snap!

When your in the supermarket queue behind some slow bugger buying half the store. A queue forms behind you then the next till opens and the bastards behind you nip across as though you are invisble-so effing rude.....
Pavement parking, bottled cockthistle fuckers that take haf the pavement up, just so they don't have to walk 10 meters more.
People who don't say thank you or at least acknowledge you when you've just opened a door for them.

just the other day I was walking towards a door with a window so I could see straight through, A Women was approaching so I kept it open but then realized she's a bit too far away, It may be a little awkward But I'm not a **** so I'll Still hold it open for her. She Walks straight past and nothing not even a little nod. Stupid woman.

No excuse for it. Even if I've had the worst day possible I'd still say thank you or even ta to someone.
Chippies which advertise chip muffins. Dirty bastards.
New girl at work in the ofice, says mmmn Hmmm everytime something is explained to her. Given that she is being trained she is currently saying about once every 20 seconds. Can i donkey punch her?
You know the drill.....

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