and after all...we've got alan ball ;p
danburge82 said:I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks we've got some TERRIBLE songs! I often look around, pull a face and shake my head whilst thinking "who the fuck started this one off!? who the fuck made this one up!? why the fuck are we singing this!? OH DEAR!!"
More terrible songs to accompany the aforementioned:
1. "Shall we sing a song for you!?"
2. "Your supposed to be at home!" (gladly I've only heard us sing this twice!)
3. it sadens me to say it but "Blue Moon" - aahh gonna get slated!! - it was very good once but we've sung it to death now and rinse it sometimes 10 times a game! if we limited ourselves to it once or twice a game it would be okay, plus we never get the clapping version going anymore :( why not!!? when the club play Blue Moon at the beginning of home games we should keep the faster clapping bit going for a while right across the stadium! and just sing the original version twice more and that is it!!
Jesus we'll have no songs left to sing by the end of this thread :D