South Stand M1

Yes it was much worse than usual. Same could be said for the Liverpool game on Saturday, but yesterday was progressively worse.

One thing that stuck out for me on both occasions was how slooooooow the scanning staff were. Ridiculously slow, as if they'd been told to be so.

On Saturday the steward scanning me told me to unzip my coat and to unzip my fleece underneath my coat. Which I wasn’t happy about. He then tried to unzip my fleece for me. As his hand moved forward I told him in no uncertain terms that if he touched my fleece zip he would be sorry. I was fucking fuming. Since when are stewards allowed to physically touch anyone? If I he scans me again and try’s it again I will report him to the nearest supervisor as a minimum.
On Saturday the steward scanning me told me to unzip my coat and to unzip my fleece underneath my coat. Which I wasn’t happy about. He then tried to unzip my fleece for me. As his hand moved forward I told him in no uncertain terms that if he touched my fleece zip he would be sorry. I was fucking fuming. Since when are stewards allowed to physically touch anyone? If I he scans me again and try’s it again I will report him to the nearest supervisor as a minimum.
Yeah it was unzip your coat, take your hat off, what's that in your pocket......

You'd think they would want people inside, spending money. I get the need for security in this day & age but what exactly are they searching for? Given the Young Boys fans all had fireworks the other week and smoke bombs aren't uncommon in the home & away ends, the magic wands aren't working anyway!
Same situation in turnstile X, simply put they've not got enough stewards there checking people. All the people who normally use entrance Z are using X this season cause of the building work, but there's still the same amount of stewards as always. Mayhem!
Becoming the same everywhere mate. Took 20-25 minutes to get in the Colin Bell on Saturday. There's that many imbeciles that can't use the turnstiles and it happens every game. People sticking their phone in upside down, sticking their phone in the wrong way round, scanned the wrong person in, trying to use the same code twice, nfc not working, can't get the code up. Drives me absolutely nuts. Below is a picture about 12.

Turnstile C is often a shambles too. Im in North Stand level 2 so have been temporarily moved to that turnstile - on Sat vs Liverpool we had a group of 8 Americans all with their tickets on one phone who took an age to get in the ground. CL nights are even worse with tourists at the wrong turnstile or trying to enter with an email and not a ticket itself.
It's an absolute shitshow M1 and has been for a number of years, if they had the queue straight out like they do at the other turnstiles the end of it would be in the Townley beer garden, 4 turnstiles and 6 (more so recently) over zealous stewards certainly dont help.

Cant for the life of me understand why they dont let us minions use M2 where the queue usually consists of 1 man and his dog and direct us through the doors that lead to where you walk in through M1 turnstiles
I’m in EL107 so it’s entrance K which isn’t that bad,but last season we were allowed to use entrance B which eased things a fair bit,but they’ve taken that option away this season for whatever reason? Perhaps the club could start doing this again?
Since they knocked the turnstiles down in B and Y and you just walk in past a guy with a handheld reader, things have never gone so quickly or smoothly.
M1 is always a huge snaked queue but at least it moves constantly. M2 where I go in is usually very small in comparison. last 2 games its been double if not triple the size and moves at a snails pace though. we've gone from 3 person checks to just the 2 for some reason. I had heard somebody say they were short staffed midweek so that might have been the issue.

Also noticed the scanners aren't working properly last 2 games. I'm on android and can usually just hold my phone up to the thing and get beeped in with no issues, against the dippers it wouldn't work and required me to stick it in the actual slot for once and then Leipzig the same again and even that didn't work and needed me to click on show code before scanning me in. Perhaps system problems or changes? I've never had these issues before.

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