Spain decriminalizes sex acts with animals as long as no physical injury occurs

Weird species aren't we? Cheerfully kill animals, chop them into bits and eat them, but any suggestion of them getting bummed causes outrage.
If I got caught by cannibals and was given the choice of being eaten or just bummed a bit I'd take the bumming all day long.
Weird species aren't we? Cheerfully kill animals, chop them into bits and eat them, but any suggestion of them getting bummed causes outrage.
If I got caught by cannibals and was given the choice of being eaten or just bummed a bit I'd take the bumming all day long.
I agree. And you'd rather be bummed by snorky than eaten by him.
@Mazzarelli's Swiss Cheese and @dronefromsector7G

Squeeky bum time.
Weird species aren't we? Cheerfully kill animals, chop them into bits and eat them, but any suggestion of them getting bummed causes outrage.
If I got caught by cannibals and was given the choice of being eaten or just bummed a bit I'd take the bumming all day long.
Wanna go camping this weekend?
Weird species aren't we? Cheerfully kill animals, chop them into bits and eat them, but any suggestion of them getting bummed causes outrage.
If I got caught by cannibals and was given the choice of being eaten or just bummed a bit I'd take the bumming all day long.

One is done out of a necessity to stay alive, as in food, the other is abusing an animal for personal sexual gratification. Those of us not doing the killing hope it is done in as humane way as possible and yes there is an element of hypocrisy in it. One could argue we could all become vegetarians and that is true ( If we can actually find any to buy these days) and maybe one day we shall. The problem is outside of zoos what happens to the animals kept predominantly for food? I don't see many people keeping a sheep, pig or cow as a pet, although some do.

Many years ago when the internet first started crush videos were quite popular. Insects and mice were crushed on film by attractive women under heels and bottoms. Eventually these were banned and people prosecuted for creating them. Yet pest control was and is legally allowed to exterminate thousands of insects and mice as humans consider them pests and vermin. When people asked what was the difference the powers that be said one was done for health reasons, the other for sexual gratification which was wrong. One is a necessity and one is done for people to get their jollies off, the same with eating an animal or shagging it. I'm sure if you could ask the animals they'd rather just be left alone to eat grass and shag their own but us humans will never do that will we? Funny old life.
One is done out of a necessity to stay alive, as in food, the other is abusing an animal for personal sexual gratification. Those of us not doing the killing hope it is done in as humane way as possible and yes there is an element of hypocrisy in it. One could argue we could all become vegetarians and that is true ( If we can actually find any to buy these days) and maybe one day we shall. The problem is outside of zoos what happens to the animals kept predominantly for food? I don't see many people keeping a sheep, pig or cow as a pet, although some do.

Many years ago when the internet first started crush videos were quite popular. Insects and mice were crushed on film by attractive women under heels and bottoms. Eventually these were banned and people prosecuted for creating them. Yet pest control was and is legally allowed to exterminate thousands of insects and mice as humans consider them pests and vermin. When people asked what was the difference the powers that be said one was done for health reasons, the other for sexual gratification which was wrong. One is a necessity and one is done for people to get their jollies off, the same with eating an animal or shagging it. I'm sure if you could ask the animals they'd rather just be left alone to eat grass and shag their own but us humans will never do that will we? Funny old life.
Not really necessary though is it (eating meat)? You could argue that's done for pleasure too.

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