Spurs (A) | PL | Post-Match Thread

Plenty of time left. Beat Villa and Arsenal and it’s as you were. Obv we need to play a whole lot better at Arsenal than today but there’s no reason why we shouldn’t.

We are creating very little.

Grealish worked really hard today and Ive been a huge critic of him so Im trying to find positives...he was probably our best forward today - but that is a HUGE problem as he creates very little...Mahrez going back to being Mahrez and creating fuck all as well
Bernardo worked hard but again created nothing either.

The only player coming out of that with any real credit is Ake

People are complaining about the non selection of KDB - HOWEVER i think thats the one thing that Pep got right today...he was wank when he came on and lost the ball countless times.....he has been doing that now quite regularly and we cannot rely on him anymore. ....its the huge elephant in the room but we need a firing KDB but I think we are seeing the downturn of him...its been there for weeks and weeks (unless he is carrying an injury) and without him we need to adapt the way we play and create chances.

Prior to the goal we actually looked like a closer version of the team we know....contolled in possession and dominating....until the fuck up by Rodri and Lewis - this experiment with Rico is just not working...you can see why Pep wants to play it as he has conrtol of the midfield but its creating conjestion along with the two wide men who also cut inwards and backwards on a constant basis...

This team is done and needs a huge rebuild.....the midfield is a huge problem and the lack of width and pace/penetration is a huge problem....If you look at the seasons where we were nigh on untouchable, we had Bernardo, Sterling, Sane, Foden, David Silva. Jesus constantly getting in behind the defence and to the by-line inside the penalty area...our whole midfield and wide players are now playing infront of an 8, 9 0r 10 man defence - no one is making those runs in behind (bernardo tried it once in the first half and Mahrez chose to cut inside and shoot). Mahrez rarely gets in behind anyone, Bernardo is playing deep and Grealish rarely looks like an attacking threat.
Agree. Too many times Rodri and Lewis were inside 5-10 metres away from each other. Which closed us up and made easy to keep u der control. then when did get out to wings players too far away to move forward. So it goes back. Again and again and again.
We lack dynamism … and a little confidence. Perhaps a combination of factors: so many involved in the World Cup, a little complacency, a couple of key injuries at the wrong time (JS and PF) and, who knows, an eye on trying to break our duck in the champions league?

Personally, would like to see us at least fall on our sword by starting our most competitive 11 in the remaining games.

Dias, although out of sorts, is a leader and imho has a positive impact on those around him. If not, Laporte had to start with Ake continuing at LFB. Rico is a kid and needs managing with the same care Pep extended to young Phil Foden. If not careful we may burn him out before too long.

Kevin needs to start every week. After a longer-than-normal break between games it seemed reasonable to give him the opportunity to make a difference today.

Conversely, if it is about ‘happy faces’, as much as I love Bernado, he shouldn’t be a starter at the minute… ‘Feel wrong saying that :(

Lastly, whilst we are lucky to be blessed with 2 class strikers, it feels like we are shoe-horning Alvarez into the team. Not sure we can keep the two of them so Pep, again imho, needs to nail his colours to the mast and the other one remains the back up option.

In the summer (my dream), two fast orthodox wingers for the squad please. Let’s get the big Norwegian some support and a few decent crosses to direct towards goal.
I don't believe it's a bad result. I don't see any issues with this season. I'm very happy about our net spend numbers, we finished first in Europe back to back that's something to be proud of.

I also love appeasing our enemies in the media and the hateful 9. Their opinion matters, I need their approval to feel satisfied.
The Board hasn't got the bollocks to sack Pep Guardiola. They're (quite reasonably) in awe of him and I suspect that they haven't got a clue how they're going to replace him.
He could probably get us relegated two divisions and still get an extended contract.

Player power will be his undoing.
Nor should they want to sack him, he’s been the best manager in the world for a number of years. We don’t know what Pep’s relationships are like with the players but I’ve always had the impression they’re good. If they’re willing to throw him under the bus it says more about them and if they do it once, they’ll do it again. If it really is broken, it won’t be put right overnight by a new manager.
I always repeat to myself just to listen to Pep and I'll know what's coming. And what I heard just prior to the WC was very depressing. I honestly think he wrote off this season the first week the WC started and when he lost most of his players to work with. And he started his little project figuring out how to fit Haaland in and somehow he is moving away further and further from that. He just looks like somebody who has no clue what is going on, not to mention how to fix it.
Our game has ben progressively worse even sine he started experimenting with hybrid back three, but today when we needed the result he came out with that fucking formation and players to somehow act on it. This was like one of those late Pellegrini era games when he was on the bench just in his fucking husk. I left that bloody stadium baffled at what I had just witnessed. How much I am missing those days when Jesus and Raheem were missing sitters...we were creating chances at least. And if Ake is the answer on playing high up on the left supporting Grealish, what the fuck is the question?

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