Spursmad give us a wave

Lumplard and Bollock
sounds like a firm of Dickensian solicitors where do you get them all from Pam?
Jeez I nearly typed Pm then no I don't want 1,I am of the old school and prefer to get my news out of the blue it's a City thing.
I do however await the next installment from spursmad with increasing eagerness and thank him for all his info so far.
Cake said:
spursmad321 said:
gillymcfc said:
Nice to see you on tonight after yo got another in the bag

When an we expect Terry?

Soon I hope - Bluemoon will crash for sure if we get JT

Thanks gilly, The JT deal is getting closer, I will be speaking to my source tomorrow so hopefully I will have some more info.

Thanks for the extra info!! Can't keep off this site now, to be fair it pisses all over SSN or Road Wars for evening entertainment!

Glad your back Spursmad after all the undue shite you got last week.

Keep the updates coming hugely appreciated!


Glad to see the morons did not win
while half of me itches to know the sensational info in this mysterious PM, the other half refuses to grovel to receive one..

If someone happened to be kind enough to forward the PM on I certainly wont complain. :)

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