SSN & City


Well-Known Member
16 Jun 2008
Leicester (ex pat Alty)
I've never really subscribed to the conspiracy theories that regularly get aired on this forum. I've always found SSN slightly too all-American showbiz, grand-slam Sunday over-hype, but I always thought we got our fair share of the limelight & probably as higher profile as the "big 4".

Then, this morning I compared the reporting of last nights American defeats suffered by us and the Rags. Both the same scoreline, both against MLS teams and both meaningless pre-season PR run-outs.

"City, with a team including Adebayor, Jo (dont make me laugh) & Wayne Bridge (reserve left back) suffered an embarrassing defeat to NYRB".."will Mancini need to get his cheque book out again"..."slumped to their second defeat on the bounce"

No mention of who was missing, no mention of no new signings playing, no mention of a starting 11 made up of fringe & academy players!

They didn't feel the need to mention who was in the starting 11 for the Rags. No snide mentions of "United, with a team including Nani, Scholes, Giggs, Berbaflop, Evans, Gibson et al", they were just unlucky (against 10 men)!

So, in conclusion, you're all correct..

..bunch of Rag loving, anti-City tossers who I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.

Thank you.
Glad you see the light mate! Sky 4 are a pathetic with their adoration of the so called 4. Even their praise of Twitcher last year was pathetic when they beat us to the CL spot.
The media sensationalise stories. That's what they do.

City spending hundreds of millions and underachieveing is newsworthy.

My instincts tell me there is much more of this to come.

The only way to stop is to win games.
Great post Dodge after I watched the match I was amazed at the headlines on SSN what a joke like you say they never mentioned that any of the starting 11 apart from Adebayor maybe will start v Spurs, just a quick word about last night glad we signed Kolarov Bridge was yet again pissed on for pace very poor defender, Liverpool are welcome to have him
they''ll be out of a job soon, to be replaced with sky blue arse kissers :D

shame they didn't mention the all academy midfield!!!
Didsbury Dave said:
The media sensationalise stories. That's what they do.

City spending hundreds of millions and underachieveing is newsworthy.

My instincts tell me there is much more of this to come.

The only way to stop is to win games.
You can understand if we lose with all our full squad playing, but this US tour is players who will be sold and academy players a complete joke the way sky are saying these things like it's the real team lol.
It's annoying but don't let it wind you up. Fickle redtop tw@ts, wait until they get their claws into Baconface when they smell the blood of the demise that is surely coming.
they are told to say it by the editors of the show, the editors are told by the executives what sort properganda to air, the executives are told by murdoch who should be top boys, sky cards dictate which way murdoch will start the process?
best way to deal with it is laugh at them. It must be gauling for them having to fill hours of airtime talking about City and our new signings, whilst the rags,Chelsea,Arsenal and Liverpool make up the also rans for coverage. Just wait until the day(in the so so distant future) we win the Premier League, and you watch how they drop the rags and the rest when they realise City are the big boys of the league!
The bias isn't subtle, it's blatent. Anyone who calls it paranoia have their fingers in their ears and eyes stapled close. There is an anti-City agenda in the British media, it isn't fiction.

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