SSN now

Pam said:
SSN are surpassing themeselves in stupidity and crassness and even my their own decrepid tract record. Twenty miutes ago they were saying that Sturridge had joined Chelsea. Two minutes ago and they're back to saying that no decision had been made about Sturridge. They're all over the place on the Kaka thing as well. They are currently insisting that Chelsea have bid £74 million for the the Milan player with the Jesus complex. Chelsea are denying it but SSN are calling them liars for doing so.

Has there been some sort of a chemical spilll that we should be aware of?

agree with you matey theres some right cod shit floatin about! just dont know what to belive at the minute.
Where are they getting all this stuff from. Its a bit mystifying at times. They're no better than the gutter tabloids.

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