stadium party

Pam said:
nhsuperstar said:
barcadelight said:
Sent an Email to the ticket office expressing my views as a season non Monday ticket holder concerning way in which things have been handled. Received an automatic reply saying that I will receive a response within ten days - how useful is that?

i sent one too mate
posted this is in the ticket exchange thread.
However i dont envisage a response until after the event.

Please can somebody answer my query?

My son and I are season card holders, yet somehow I find myself pleading on the Bluemoon internet sight desperately trying to get hold of a homecoming ticket for Monday.

We queued before and after the Stoke game to get two tickets yet time restraints meant we had to leave empty handed.

Work restrictions have meant that it was only possible for me to try and get two tickets today and despite taking half a day off work this afternoon I now find that all tickets are gone.

I appreciate that as a first year season card holder (although i am a lifelong city fan) the likelihood of getting tickets for Wembley were minimal and that there were a lot more worthy fans than myself and therefore despite being disappointed felt that the allocation was on the whole very fair.

However its really frustrating to find that we cannot be present to see the team we have supported all season at the homecoming parade.

Not only have we invested in season cards and europa league games but we also buy a programme at every fixture and also use the catering facilities at the ground and have on many occasions invested in merchandise too.

Surely our loyalty should guarantee us at least a ticket to the homecoming, yet now it would appear that there are thousands upon thousands of tickets in the hands of individuals whos financial and personal commitment to the club is far inferior to those of many seasoncard holders? i even know of at least 5 seasoncard holders who went to Wembley without tickets at massive expense just to be there. they cant get one either. How can that be right?

I was able to explain to my lad the reasoning behind not being able to have tickets to Wembley based on loyallty and that there were far more deserving receipients. But please tell me? how do I now justify that his mate at school who as it happens supports Liverpool and the lad who lives on our street yet doesn’t even like football will be there.

It just doesn’t seem as though this has been thought out properly.

For the record I,m not the only season card holder who feels this way. Just refering to the “homecoming ticket exchange” thread on bluemoon will show you the lenghts that folk are going to in order to find a ticket.

Would appreciate a response to this and ask if there is anything you can do to help?

Look forward to your reply

I emailed them last week re a similar problem re the final. I got the same automated response but the period quoted then was 7 days before anyone would be able to get to new emails. FFS, City., might help in the future, he normally is able to help or pass you on to someone who can.
Same position as many blues, season ticket holder for 7 years, go to 10 plus away games a season, attended all but one fa cup games including semi & final.

What the fuck is going on?????

Sent an email to Wilson on Thursday, await his response.
How were these things been distributed? Don't want to have to read the whole thread to find out.
Pam said:
How were these things been distributed? Don't want to have to read the whole thread to find out.

haven't read the whole thread but think it was done on tesco points
It was done on proximity to eastlands. All those who aren't from manchester are classed as glory hunters, therefore undeserving of a ticket. Unless you were on the cup scheme, an osc member or were invited into the superbia clique.

Me personally, i traded a thousand and twenty six clubcard points, a gold plated pog, a sprite yoyo and a pair of troop trainers with grolsch bottle tops in the lace holes, for my 6.
I know I'll be labelled a miserable git for this, but I just dont see why there's such an overwhelming demand for tickets for the party.

I went to the final, saw us lift the cup, stayed and cheered until all the players had left the pitch. I went to the Stoke match, stayed for the lap of honour, cheered until all the players had left the pitch. I'm going to Bolton, expect there will be some sort of extended celebration at the end of the match which I'll be more than happy to stay for.

And I'm more than happy with that. Perfectly happy for someone who couldnt get a ticket for the final to have my seat on Monday. If I lived near the route to the ground I'd probably pop out to cheer the players on the bus, but I dont so I wont.

I just think that a trip to COMS without seeing a match would inevitably be lacking. Its a bit like the demand for Olympic tickets. I just dont understand why there is such a high demand for tickets to watch the opening and closing ceremonies. Where's the sport?
cibaman said:
I know I'll be labelled a miserable git for this, but I just dont see why there's such an overwhelming demand for tickets for the party.

I went to the final, saw us lift the cup, stayed and cheered until all the players had left the pitch. I went to the Stoke match, stayed for the lap of honour, cheered until all the players had left the pitch. I'm going to Bolton, expect there will be some sort of extended celebration at the end of the match which I'll be more than happy to stay for.

And I'm more than happy with that. Perfectly happy for someone who couldnt get a ticket for the final to have my seat on Monday. If I lived near the route to the ground I'd probably pop out to cheer the players on the bus, but I dont so I wont

I just think that a trip to COMS without seeing a match would inevitably be lacking. Its a bit like the demand for Olympic tickets. I just dont understand why there is such a high demand for tickets to watch the opening and closing ceremonies. Where's the sport?

you miserable git ;)<br /><br />-- Sat May 21, 2011 12:35 pm --<br /><br />
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Pam said:
nhsuperstar said:
i sent one too mate
posted this is in the ticket exchange thread.
However i dont envisage a response until after the event.

Please can somebody answer my query?

My son and I are season card holders, yet somehow I find myself pleading on the Bluemoon internet sight desperately trying to get hold of a homecoming ticket for Monday.

We queued before and after the Stoke game to get two tickets yet time restraints meant we had to leave empty handed.

Work restrictions have meant that it was only possible for me to try and get two tickets today and despite taking half a day off work this afternoon I now find that all tickets are gone.

I appreciate that as a first year season card holder (although i am a lifelong city fan) the likelihood of getting tickets for Wembley were minimal and that there were a lot more worthy fans than myself and therefore despite being disappointed felt that the allocation was on the whole very fair.

However its really frustrating to find that we cannot be present to see the team we have supported all season at the homecoming parade.

Not only have we invested in season cards and europa league games but we also buy a programme at every fixture and also use the catering facilities at the ground and have on many occasions invested in merchandise too.

Surely our loyalty should guarantee us at least a ticket to the homecoming, yet now it would appear that there are thousands upon thousands of tickets in the hands of individuals whos financial and personal commitment to the club is far inferior to those of many seasoncard holders? i even know of at least 5 seasoncard holders who went to Wembley without tickets at massive expense just to be there. they cant get one either. How can that be right?

I was able to explain to my lad the reasoning behind not being able to have tickets to Wembley based on loyallty and that there were far more deserving receipients. But please tell me? how do I now justify that his mate at school who as it happens supports Liverpool and the lad who lives on our street yet doesn’t even like football will be there.

It just doesn’t seem as though this has been thought out properly.

For the record I,m not the only season card holder who feels this way. Just refering to the “homecoming ticket exchange” thread on bluemoon will show you the lenghts that folk are going to in order to find a ticket.

Would appreciate a response to this and ask if there is anything you can do to help?

Look forward to your reply

I emailed them last week re a similar problem re the final. I got the same automated response but the period quoted then was 7 days before anyone would be able to get to new emails. FFS, City., might help in the future, he normally is able to help or pass you on to someone who can.

thanks JMW
cibaman said:
I know I'll be labelled a miserable git for this, but I just dont see why there's such an overwhelming demand for tickets for the party.

I went to the final, saw us lift the cup, stayed and cheered until all the players had left the pitch. I went to the Stoke match, stayed for the lap of honour, cheered until all the players had left the pitch. I'm going to Bolton, expect there will be some sort of extended celebration at the end of the match which I'll be more than happy to stay for.

And I'm more than happy with that. Perfectly happy for someone who couldnt get a ticket for the final to have my seat on Monday. If I lived near the route to the ground I'd probably pop out to cheer the players on the bus, but I dont so I wont.

I just think that a trip to COMS without seeing a match would inevitably be lacking. Its a bit like the demand for Olympic tickets. I just dont understand why there is such a high demand for tickets to watch the opening and closing ceremonies. Where's the sport?

Same as me mate have done all the important stuff and I am renewing my Season Ticket so who ever you are enjoy the show.
I have to take annual leave for night matches and can't justify one for this.

See you at Bolton fellow Citizens :-)
cibaman said:
I know I'll be labelled a miserable git for this, but I just dont see why there's such an overwhelming demand for tickets for the party.

I went to the final, saw us lift the cup, stayed and cheered until all the players had left the pitch. I went to the Stoke match, stayed for the lap of honour, cheered until all the players had left the pitch. I'm going to Bolton, expect there will be some sort of extended celebration at the end of the match which I'll be more than happy to stay for.

And I'm more than happy with that. Perfectly happy for someone who couldnt get a ticket for the final to have my seat on Monday. If I lived near the route to the ground I'd probably pop out to cheer the players on the bus, but I dont so I wont.

I just think that a trip to COMS without seeing a match would inevitably be lacking. Its a bit like the demand for Olympic tickets. I just dont understand why there is such a high demand for tickets to watch the opening and closing ceremonies. Where's the sport?

Yes you are........!

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