stadium party

Can all the so called CITY fans stop having a go at each other just because some got tickets and some didnt.

If you went to the stoke game on tuesday then you had a chance to get tickets , but eventually they ran out of them. you then had a chance to go to either of the CITY stores ( or ask someone to go on your behalf ) and get the tickets. I went to the stoke game but couldnt get a ticket for the parade. so i went to the CITY store the next day ( at around 1.45 p.m ) and got 2 tickets after queuing up for 45 seconds !
Why do the ones who havent managed to get a ticket think this was unfair ?
If you are such a big avid loyal ( never miss a game ) blue as you claim then you would have known that tickets were available from the stores, therefore you could have got down there and got one or asked a family member, relative, friend, etc to go and get you one if you were unable to get there yourself ( like i said i went at 1.45 p.m and there were tickets left ). You can arrange away trips all over the country and to wembley twice but cant arrange to pick up ( or get picked up for you ) a ticket at the city store ????
And why does anybody think that those who got the tickets arent the "type" of supporters who should have them. The main batch of tickets were given out at a CITY match to CITY supporters. the remainder were picked up at CITY stores by CITY supporters.
If you want to create a THEM and US attitude then do so. but stop moaning at SUPPORTERS just because they got a ticket and didnt have a SC.
I work shifts and gave up using a season ticket / SC years ago because i missed too many games. I now go when i can when im not in work but cant plan too far ahead and am grateful to get a ticket when i can to see MY team.
Sorry if i or any other SUPPORTER have offended you by going to the stoke game or the city store to pick up a ticket, didnt realise it was god given right to SC holders. FFS get a grip !
barcadelight said:
Sent an Email to the ticket office expressing my views as a season non Monday ticket holder concerning way in which things have been handled. Received an automatic reply saying that I will receive a response within ten days - how useful is that?

i sent one too mate
posted this is in the ticket exchange thread.
However i dont envisage a response until after the event.

Please can somebody answer my query?

My son and I are season card holders, yet somehow I find myself pleading on the Bluemoon internet sight desperately trying to get hold of a homecoming ticket for Monday.

We queued before and after the Stoke game to get two tickets yet time restraints meant we had to leave empty handed.

Work restrictions have meant that it was only possible for me to try and get two tickets today and despite taking half a day off work this afternoon I now find that all tickets are gone.

I appreciate that as a first year season card holder (although i am a lifelong city fan) the likelihood of getting tickets for Wembley were minimal and that there were a lot more worthy fans than myself and therefore despite being disappointed felt that the allocation was on the whole very fair.

However its really frustrating to find that we cannot be present to see the team we have supported all season at the homecoming parade.

Not only have we invested in season cards and europa league games but we also buy a programme at every fixture and also use the catering facilities at the ground and have on many occasions invested in merchandise too.

Surely our loyalty should guarantee us at least a ticket to the homecoming, yet now it would appear that there are thousands upon thousands of tickets in the hands of individuals whos financial and personal commitment to the club is far inferior to those of many seasoncard holders? i even know of at least 5 seasoncard holders who went to Wembley without tickets at massive expense just to be there. they cant get one either. How can that be right?

I was able to explain to my lad the reasoning behind not being able to have tickets to Wembley based on loyallty and that there were far more deserving receipients. But please tell me? how do I now justify that his mate at school who as it happens supports Liverpool and the lad who lives on our street yet doesn’t even like football will be there.

It just doesn’t seem as though this has been thought out properly.

For the record I,m not the only season card holder who feels this way. Just refering to the “homecoming ticket exchange” thread on bluemoon will show you the lenghts that folk are going to in order to find a ticket.

Would appreciate a response to this and ask if there is anything you can do to help?

Look forward to your reply

wgb said:
Can all the so called CITY fans stop having a go at each other just because some got tickets and some didnt.

If you went to the stoke game on tuesday then you had a chance to get tickets , but eventually they ran out of them. you then had a chance to go to either of the CITY stores ( or ask someone to go on your behalf ) and get the tickets. I went to the stoke game but couldnt get a ticket for the parade. so i went to the CITY store the next day ( at around 1.45 p.m ) and got 2 tickets after queuing up for 45 seconds !
Why do the ones who havent managed to get a ticket think this was unfair ?
If you are such a big avid loyal ( never miss a game ) blue as you claim then you would have known that tickets were available from the stores, therefore you could have got down there and got one or asked a family member, relative, friend, etc to go and get you one if you were unable to get there yourself ( like i said i went at 1.45 p.m and there were tickets left ). You can arrange away trips all over the country and to wembley twice but cant arrange to pick up ( or get picked up for you ) a ticket at the city store ????
And why does anybody think that those who got the tickets arent the "type" of supporters who should have them. The main batch of tickets were given out at a CITY match to CITY supporters. the remainder were picked up at CITY stores by CITY supporters.
If you want to create a THEM and US attitude then do so. but stop moaning at SUPPORTERS just because they got a ticket and didnt have a SC.
I work shifts and gave up using a season ticket / SC years ago because i missed too many games. I now go when i can when im not in work but cant plan too far ahead and am grateful to get a ticket when i can to see MY team.
Sorry if i or any other SUPPORTER have offended you by going to the stoke game or the city store to pick up a ticket, didnt realise it was god given right to SC holders. FFS get a grip !

Lol! A loyal supporter who gives up their season ticket to work shifts. Whatever next ;)
wgb said:
Can all the so called CITY fans stop having a go at each other just because some got tickets and some didnt.

If you went to the stoke game on tuesday then you had a chance to get tickets , but eventually they ran out of them. you then had a chance to go to either of the CITY stores ( or ask someone to go on your behalf ) and get the tickets. I went to the stoke game but couldnt get a ticket for the parade. so i went to the CITY store the next day ( at around 1.45 p.m ) and got 2 tickets after queuing up for 45 seconds !
Why do the ones who havent managed to get a ticket think this was unfair ?
If you are such a big avid loyal ( never miss a game ) blue as you claim then you would have known that tickets were available from the stores, therefore you could have got down there and got one or asked a family member, relative, friend, etc to go and get you one if you were unable to get there yourself ( like i said i went at 1.45 p.m and there were tickets left ). You can arrange away trips all over the country and to wembley twice but cant arrange to pick up ( or get picked up for you ) a ticket at the city store ????
And why does anybody think that those who got the tickets arent the "type" of supporters who should have them. The main batch of tickets were given out at a CITY match to CITY supporters. the remainder were picked up at CITY stores by CITY supporters.
If you want to create a THEM and US attitude then do so. but stop moaning at SUPPORTERS just because they got a ticket and didnt have a SC.
I work shifts and gave up using a season ticket / SC years ago because i missed too many games. I now go when i can when im not in work but cant plan too far ahead and am grateful to get a ticket when i can to see MY team.
Sorry if i or any other SUPPORTER have offended you by going to the stoke game or the city store to pick up a ticket, didnt realise it was god given right to SC holders. FFS get a grip !

so you werent there in the freezing cold winter nights but you were able to pick up a ticket because you work shifts.
then you come on here on your soap box spouting off to season card holders
congratulations your dedication is truly remarkable
It wasnt the best organised plan to give them out, but if you really wanted them you had ample chance.

They where giving them out when i got their after work the day after the stoke game, so its only 10 miles down the road, but the point is if you really wanted them you could have arranged for it.

If they had given them out over the phone or internet then it would have been even harder to get them so i dont think thats a valid excuse, at the end of the day they didnt set a criteria so deal with it.

just seems like the usual argument of, it didnt fall into my lap so its unfair.
nhsuperstar said:
wgb said:
Im almost 50 years of age and had a season ticket for 25 + years. And i spent many a freezing night watching CITY including minus 12 against everton at COMS. And why shouldnt i spout off at SC holders ? some of you are so far up your own arses its unreal, obviously this includes yourself !

Can all the so called CITY fans stop having a go at each other just because some got tickets and some didnt.

If you went to the stoke game on tuesday then you had a chance to get tickets , but eventually they ran out of them. you then had a chance to go to either of the CITY stores ( or ask someone to go on your behalf ) and get the tickets. I went to the stoke game but couldnt get a ticket for the parade. so i went to the CITY store the next day ( at around 1.45 p.m ) and got 2 tickets after queuing up for 45 seconds !
Why do the ones who havent managed to get a ticket think this was unfair ?
If you are such a big avid loyal ( never miss a game ) blue as you claim then you would have known that tickets were available from the stores, therefore you could have got down there and got one or asked a family member, relative, friend, etc to go and get you one if you were unable to get there yourself ( like i said i went at 1.45 p.m and there were tickets left ). You can arrange away trips all over the country and to wembley twice but cant arrange to pick up ( or get picked up for you ) a ticket at the city store ????
And why does anybody think that those who got the tickets arent the "type" of supporters who should have them. The main batch of tickets were given out at a CITY match to CITY supporters. the remainder were picked up at CITY stores by CITY supporters.
If you want to create a THEM and US attitude then do so. but stop moaning at SUPPORTERS just because they got a ticket and didnt have a SC.
I work shifts and gave up using a season ticket / SC years ago because i missed too many games. I now go when i can when im not in work but cant plan too far ahead and am grateful to get a ticket when i can to see MY team.
Sorry if i or any other SUPPORTER have offended you by going to the stoke game or the city store to pick up a ticket, didnt realise it was god given right to SC holders. FFS get a grip !

so you werent there in the freezing cold winter nights but you were able to pick up a ticket because you work shifts.
then you come on here on your soap box spouting off to season card holders
congratulations your dedication is truly remarkable
berger1985 said:
Lol! A loyal supporter who gives up their season ticket to work shifts. Whatever next ;)
I also found it delicious irony that he says he can't plan too far ahead and yet expects everyone to sort out collecting tickets in two days, compared of course, to Wembley and away trips which can be planned say a month in advance and where tickets can be ordered over the phone and delivered to the door. This whole thread has been full of absolute logic failing comments and a complete lack of sympathy for loyal blues who've missed out.
wgb said:
nhsuperstar said:
wgb said:
Im almost 50 years of age and had a season ticket for 25 + years. And i spent many a freezing night watching CITY including minus 12 against everton at COMS. And why shouldnt i spout off at SC holders ? some of you are so far up your own arses its unreal, obviously this includes yourself !

Can all the so called CITY fans stop having a go at each other just because some got tickets and some didnt.

If you went to the stoke game on tuesday then you had a chance to get tickets , but eventually they ran out of them. you then had a chance to go to either of the CITY stores ( or ask someone to go on your behalf ) and get the tickets. I went to the stoke game but couldnt get a ticket for the parade. so i went to the CITY store the next day ( at around 1.45 p.m ) and got 2 tickets after queuing up for 45 seconds !
Why do the ones who havent managed to get a ticket think this was unfair ?
If you are such a big avid loyal ( never miss a game ) blue as you claim then you would have known that tickets were available from the stores, therefore you could have got down there and got one or asked a family member, relative, friend, etc to go and get you one if you were unable to get there yourself ( like i said i went at 1.45 p.m and there were tickets left ). You can arrange away trips all over the country and to wembley twice but cant arrange to pick up ( or get picked up for you ) a ticket at the city store ????
And why does anybody think that those who got the tickets arent the "type" of supporters who should have them. The main batch of tickets were given out at a CITY match to CITY supporters. the remainder were picked up at CITY stores by CITY supporters.
If you want to create a THEM and US attitude then do so. but stop moaning at SUPPORTERS just because they got a ticket and didnt have a SC.
I work shifts and gave up using a season ticket / SC years ago because i missed too many games. I now go when i can when im not in work but cant plan too far ahead and am grateful to get a ticket when i can to see MY team.
Sorry if i or any other SUPPORTER have offended you by going to the stoke game or the city store to pick up a ticket, didnt realise it was god given right to SC holders. FFS get a grip !

so you werent there in the freezing cold winter nights but you were able to pick up a ticket because you work shifts.
then you come on here on your soap box spouting off to season card holders
congratulations your dedication is truly remarkable

oh dear!!!!
some poor village is missing one
nhsuperstar said:
wgb said:
nhsuperstar said:
so you werent there in the freezing cold winter nights but you were able to pick up a ticket because you work shifts.
then you come on here on your soap box spouting off to season card holders
congratulations your dedication is truly remarkable

Oh dear!!!
Some poor village is missing one

You better hurry back then eh
nhsuperstar said:
barcadelight said:
Sent an Email to the ticket office expressing my views as a season non Monday ticket holder concerning way in which things have been handled. Received an automatic reply saying that I will receive a response within ten days - how useful is that?

i sent one too mate
posted this is in the ticket exchange thread.
However i dont envisage a response until after the event.

Please can somebody answer my query?

My son and I are season card holders, yet somehow I find myself pleading on the Bluemoon internet sight desperately trying to get hold of a homecoming ticket for Monday.

We queued before and after the Stoke game to get two tickets yet time restraints meant we had to leave empty handed.

Work restrictions have meant that it was only possible for me to try and get two tickets today and despite taking half a day off work this afternoon I now find that all tickets are gone.

I appreciate that as a first year season card holder (although i am a lifelong city fan) the likelihood of getting tickets for Wembley were minimal and that there were a lot more worthy fans than myself and therefore despite being disappointed felt that the allocation was on the whole very fair.

However its really frustrating to find that we cannot be present to see the team we have supported all season at the homecoming parade.

Not only have we invested in season cards and europa league games but we also buy a programme at every fixture and also use the catering facilities at the ground and have on many occasions invested in merchandise too.

Surely our loyalty should guarantee us at least a ticket to the homecoming, yet now it would appear that there are thousands upon thousands of tickets in the hands of individuals whos financial and personal commitment to the club is far inferior to those of many seasoncard holders? i even know of at least 5 seasoncard holders who went to Wembley without tickets at massive expense just to be there. they cant get one either. How can that be right?

I was able to explain to my lad the reasoning behind not being able to have tickets to Wembley based on loyallty and that there were far more deserving receipients. But please tell me? how do I now justify that his mate at school who as it happens supports Liverpool and the lad who lives on our street yet doesn’t even like football will be there.

It just doesn’t seem as though this has been thought out properly.

For the record I,m not the only season card holder who feels this way. Just refering to the “homecoming ticket exchange” thread on bluemoon will show you the lenghts that folk are going to in order to find a ticket.

Would appreciate a response to this and ask if there is anything you can do to help?

Look forward to your reply

I emailed them last week re a similar problem re the final. I got the same automated response but the period quoted then was 7 days before anyone would be able to get to new emails. FFS, City.

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