Stand Up City Fan Steve -Tormenter of Talksport & Take A Bow

talksport is so anti city but what else is there to listen too.

I love it how fans slag off city's money but no club in the world would turn down our owners if they approached there club first and most clubs are looking for new owners we just happened to get lucky and its so good.

an example is everton they are looking for investment , whats there remit we want wealthy owner but not too wealthy we only want a small transfer budget , absolute bull every clubwants the riches owners possible just happens we have got lucky cos we are super city.
gfunkstylee said:
Fuck me, did you hear those two dickheads at the end? Sounds like they were ready to start wanking each other off under the mixing console. They sit and hide behind their microphones ready to 'move on to the next caller' whenever things get a little to hot for them to handle, fucking women the both of them. The pair obviously have 'WEE DICK SYNDROME"

I think the complete opposite was happening at the end, they both realised they'd taken a hiding and were trying to pin in on each other to avoid the embarrassment. They sounded very flustered.

I don't have much, but what I do have is yours for the asking.

You represent everything that I love about city fans, take a bow you legend!!
What a pair of condescending pricks. How dare they. Not heard of Yaya before the world cup? Balls! Shouldn't be on the show then.

Well done to Steve, we could do with more of them though, just to put these guys in their place.

Phone in saying you're a Man Ure fan or Everton fan and then talk about City and put them to rights.
They had the audacity to take the piss out of Steve after he went if you listen carefully mocking their own "Lack of knowledge"

What a pair of arsewipes. I wouldn't give them the steam off my piss.

Well done Steve.

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