standing up or sitting down?

DannyBoy2890 said:
bammy blue said:
row k pal 177

im not to far behind you mate.

the whole block stood for the carling cup derby all game.
ive also noticed every game more and more people in this block are beginning to stand throughout the game now.
i can see the whole of 109 being stood up tomorrow mate, i think 107 will join aswell.
which would mean 107,109,110,111 all stood singing together which should be class.

trigger, you may be busy tomorrow in 107 ;)

yeah agree with ya there gota be stood up an singin like the cc game and also like towards the end of the arsenal game at the beginning of the season.
I have never sat down in my seat apart from half time but then " we are the south stand".
DannyBoy2890 said:
Trigger said:
Although we are advised to try and get you to sit (Council rules - not MCFC) other than sections directly by away support, this is usually relaxed a bit for Derby games and thus 109 usually get away with standing.

Please remember fans in sections like 107 though that [color=#0000FF]persistant[/color] standing in my section 107 and a few others will not be tolerated, that is not because I and my fellow stewards are not killjoys, it is because we have wheelchair users at the back of our section and it is not fair for them to have their view blocked.

I hope this helps explain why we sometimes do what we do ;)

i can see you in action trig, from my seat!
you killjoy you ;)

Stalker alert ;)
Trigger said:
Although we are advised to try and get you to sit (Council rules - not MCFC) other than sections directly by away support, this is usually relaxed a bit for Derby games and thus 109 usually get away with standing.

Please remember fans in sections like 107 though that [color=#0000FF]persistant[/color] standing in my section 107 and a few others will not be tolerated, that is not because I and my fellow stewards are killjoys, it is because we have wheelchair users at the back of our section and it is not fair for them to have their view blocked.

I hope this helps explain why we sometimes do what we do ;)

Hello Trigger,any chance you can let the bar staff at 107 know there,s a match on saturday,and get the Singha pump working
I sit in 106 and its really frustrating as only half of our block will stand when its united and the rest are mardy gits that complain about people standing.

It really frustrates me because the atmosphere is miles better when people stand and for games like united and arsenal etc we need the atmosphere to be great to get right behind our team.

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