Sterilisation for low-lifes, criminals, and benefit cheats

eagle said:
eagle said:

I'm sorry I shouldn't have been so rude. Would you care to explain a little bit more about exactly what you meant. Did you mean a permanent sterilisation or some kind of contraception that is only reversed when somebody has passed a parenting test etc.

After what happened to the Jew courtesy of our German neighbours and french & dutch collaborators I am very suspicious of any thread that starts like this.
you missed out the polish and catholic church and a few others
exileindevon said:
eagle said:
I'm sorry I shouldn't have been so rude. Would you care to explain a little bit more about exactly what you meant. Did you mean a permanent sterilisation or some kind of contraception that is only reversed when somebody has passed a parenting test etc.

After what happened to the Jew courtesy of our German neighbours and french & dutch collaborators I am very suspicious of any thread that starts like this.
you missed out the polish and catholic church and a few others

Point taken, appreciate the contribution.
eagle said:
eagle said:

I'm sorry I shouldn't have been so rude. Would you care to explain a little bit more about exactly what you meant. Did you mean a permanent sterilisation or some kind of contraception that is only reversed when somebody has passed a parenting test etc.

After what happened to the Jews courtesy of our German neighbours and french & dutch collaborators I am very suspicious of any thread that starts like this.

woah mate you've got me all wrong! It was half meant tongue in cheek and was really a follow on from immaculate pastas article about a horrible woman who abused pets which got me thinking. Everyday I read about scum that do this and do that and then there's a case of the bulger killers recently. Now not wanting to get too deep but i'd put all my money on their parents being scum and not raising them properly definitely contributed to how they turned out. I was just trying to raise a debate whether sterilization should ever be considered? Ie rapists, murders etc. Maybe not linking benefit cheats into thief was a bit strong but basically people who give absolutely nothing to society but take, take, take!

-- Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:12 am --

And for what it's worth I'm against only because as a society we need to move forward not back, and sterilization is inhumane, and aginst human rights. But saying that there are some evil fuckers in this world that should be!
Jesus wept.

I have tried to answer your question reasonably. But I cant. Some questions are just too dumb to repond to properly.

But putting everything else aside I will respond with a question of my own.
Why on earth would it be assumed that the offspring of a benefit cheat would become a benefit cheat themselves?
Why would a child of a criminal be genetically predestined to become a criminal themselves?

Dude, lets leave such theories to the Nazis hey (and George Bernard Shaw bizarrely). We live in modern times where such thoughts are as reprehensible (and archaic and backward) as electrolosis to 'cure' homosexuality or throwing women suffering from the menopause into lunatic asylums.
Lucky Toma said:
Jesus wept.

I have tried to answer your question reasonably. But I cant. Some questions are just too dumb to repond to properly.

But putting everything else aside I will respond with a question of my own.
Why on earth would it be assumed that the offspring of a benefit cheat would become a benefit cheat themselves?
Why would a child of a criminal be genetically predestined to become a criminal themselves?

Dude, lets leave such theories to the Nazis hey (and George Bernard Shaw bizarrely). We live in modern times where such thoughts are as reprehensible (and archaic and backward) as electrolosis to 'cure' homosexuality or throwing women suffering from the menopause into lunatic asylums.

ha ha- I love how you take it so seriously. Ps try reading my comments above to.

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