Sterling - The Sun

In the past I have always given my full support to Vicki Kloss but now is the time to hang the bastards out to dry.If you fail to act on this shit Vicki then you need to take a long hard look at yourself.Failing that, your bosses need a fucking good rodgering with the fluffy end of of a rag mans trumpet.
In a nut shell "you need fucking off" if you allow this type of shit to continue on and on and on !!!
A sink though? Lol. There are plenty of valid criticisms without resorting to that.

Regardless of whether it's fair or not, Raheem must respond on the pitch. We can complain all day about how unfair it all is, but it won't stop until he starts playing better.

A Pep player will respond. If he doesn't start playing harder and smarter, he'll be gone regardless.
To my mind this has next to nothing to do with football. Whether you were a Leaver or Remainer there's no disputing that Britain is presently in crisis and there's a lot of Sun readers who feel duped by the false promises made by them. So like the cowardly little scummy shits they are they've gone for their ever-reliable divertion tactic of placing themselves on a moral high ground made of stinking dogshit and piously lambasted in true Sun-style someone they deem to be unpopular.

In this instance its a 21 year old. After propagandering and engineering a national crisis the likes of which we have never before known (and entirely so Murdoch can wield even more power and influence) they now rebuke a wealthy kid for having a posh sink.

It may be a posh sink but the water still travels to the same place as my water and yours - to the Sun headquarters in the sewer.
Their two main hate campaigns this summer have been against immigrants and Raheem Sterling. Whilst trying to have yet another pop at Raheem - which quite frankly is laughable and even an idiot will wonder why someone's sink is front page news - they are also trying to make the pound's 2c rise on the dollar sound like something to write home about. I'm not sure which is more farcical to be honest.
Having looked at the article, the picture of him in the video clearly isn't recent if you look at his hair and lack of beard. They even say in the article, after describing his new house, that it was not thought to have been filmed there, the implication being that it was filmed in his old house when he played for Liverpool. If I was him, I'd sue. That article is clearly an attempt to incite hatred against him. Cunts.
Christ on a bike. With all this shit going on the cost of a footballers sink is front page news?

And people buy this shit. Hell people swallow this shit.
I think we need to back Raheem regardless now, especially for the next few months.

It's one thing when City fans get annoyed with him for some inconsistent form - it's our right as paying customers - but it's another thing entirely when the biggest selling newspaper in the country orders a lynch mob after him for taking a picture of his sink.

This is becoming a character assassination similar to the one they attempted to try on Balotelli, and we all rallied around him when that happened. We need to protect Sterling, if only for the good of the team.

Regardless of our opinions on him as a footballer, Sterling is a young boy and he has the vitriol of the entire nation waiting at his front door. When - if - he starts against Sunderland I think we need to get behind him in a big way.

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