Stevie Ireland - the bidding starts

if ireland is sold or made to feel like he has to leave to get first team football, mancini and his coaching staff should be strung up by their necks from the highest tower at COMS

he is the most gifted natural footballer at him in his proper position and you haev a top class player that would flourish in even the top 4 teams in the country

If ireland is sold ill be the first with the MANCINI OUT banners!!
I would be gutted to see Stevie go...

However, with 2 up top in Tevez and Ade, where dows he fit in??

For me he can only play as the attacking midfielder in a 3 man central midfield, ala Fabregas... with 2 players behind him for protection... Playing him anywhere else just doesnt make sense IMO
Esteban de la Sexface said:
anyone who wants Ireland gone is a fickle bastard. who I bet was licking Stevies nuts last season after spending the season before wanting him gone.

Ireland is being fucked about on the right.

He is too good not to play in the middle attacking role.

Anyone who wants him gone needs their heads examined.

Well said.

And if we DID sell him it would come back to haunt us.
The rumor mill on Ireland is now in overdrive. That now makes United, Arsenal, Spurs & Villa he's been linked with.

Manchester City to cash in on Ireland?
05:00 PM 08 February, 2010

Manchester City Football Club could cash in on Stephen Ireland in the summer.

The Republic of Ireland international has failed to reproduce his form of last season this term, and Roberto Mancini has an abundance of midfield talent at his disposal.

The Italian coach also tried to sign Mariga McDonald from Parma in January, whilst Real Madrid’s Fernando Gago remains a target for the end of the season.

This has cast doubts over Ireland’s long-term future at Eastlands, with the Daily Mail claim Mancini could be willing to offload him during the summer window.

Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur are admirers of the 23-year-old, but Blues fans won’t be happy to hear rivals Manchester United would also be keen to sign him.
citygirl77 said:
someone tell me, has SWP refused new contract ?

YES CITYGIRL, he's being a greedy bleeder, asking for an improved contract when he doesn't bloody deserve one
simon23 said:
if ireland is sold or made to feel like he has to leave to get first team football, mancini and his coaching staff should be strung up by their necks from the highest tower at COMS

he is the most gifted natural footballer at him in his proper position and you haev a top class player that would flourish in even the top 4 teams in the country

If ireland is sold ill be the first with the MANCINI OUT banners!!

only just seen this thread but i'm in this camp too
no player is bigger than the club. and I think it is very dangerous to treat academy graduates any differently to the other players. we fans are in danger making a rod for our own back, if we contribute to a situation where they can use the fan's loyalty to dictate terms, or pick and choose what they want to do. once they are establlished full squad members, with a couple of seasons under their belt, they have to be treated exactly like any other player.

really it's not the poor form that has changed my mind. it's that interview from last month, plus the poor form, plus the stories in the paper.

he shouldn't have criticised hughes the moment he was out of the door. That and the constant stories surrounding his future suggest loyalty is not a strong point of his. It also suggested to me that he has forgotten that last season's heroics began and ended with his determination to take full responsibility for making the most of his gifts. I find that very worrying when his biggest strengths are his mentality, focus, awareness. He was also foolish to have a little dig at Mancini for playing him out of position. This club is moving forward at a pace, he can't think we have an obligation to build the team around him, he has to show that he is determined to make the most of his opportunities whenever they arrive.

last season was magnificent. at times this season I've looked at him and thought, my god, he has improved technically, he could really turn out to be something very special. but if he isn't completely committed to making it happen here, if he really thinks the grass is greener, then I'd let him go, because what it would really mean is that he has regressed to someone who is looking to solve his problems by changing the situation, rather than taking full responsibility for himself.

if that is the case, and he did move, it's entirely possible that he could improve and make us look very foolish. but that happens sometimes, there is nothing you can do about it. it might be that if he was forced to become just another player at another club, that situation would bring the best out of him.

I rate the guy, nothing would make me happier than for him to stay and to go on to become the player I think he can be. he has some rare gifts. what I'm saying is, if he isn't committed to taking responsibility for himself, and doing everything he can to make it happen here, it just won't happen. and if he coasts he won't be of any use to this team, he's just not the kind of player who can get by on natural talent alone. that scenario would be much worse than seeing him fulfil himself somewhere else.
bizzbo said:
I rate the guy, nothing would make me happier than for him to stay and to go on to become the player I think he can be. he has some rare gifts. what I'm saying is, if he isn't committed to taking responsibility for himself, and doing everything he can to make it happen here, it just won't happen. and if he coasts he won't be of any use to this team, he's just not the kind of player who can get by on natural talent alone. that scenario would be much worse than seeing him fulfil himself somewhere else.

Absolutely agree. I like Stevie and have followed him since the Academy. But if the time is now to move on, then reluctantly we'd have to accept it without any regrets. I'd like him to stay here but, if he is unsettled then, he is the only one who can settle himself back to the form we know he can produce.

Maybe the fans can make him feel special again. Sometimes, these simple things are all that is needed. It's been a while since I heard Stevie songs being sung in the stadium.
I don't understand why we would sell him. Or why some 'fans' want him sold. Yes he's having a bad season but we know what he is capable of. Plus he's still young. Give him time and he's doing no harm on the bench!

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