Had to do a bit of surfing to understand why Stoke fans are so.. annoyed? This seems to explain their angst.
A city in Staffordshire, England. Stoke is famous across the world for it's pottery industry. Many fine brands such as Wedgewood and Spode originate from Stoke.
However, the pottery industry is currently dying a sorry and painful death, due to Mexican sweatshops being a far cheaper source of plates and cups than England, with all it's health and safety laws and 'minimum wage' bollocks.
This has resulted in Stoke, formerly a haven for academic under-achievers due to the thousands of manual jobs in pot-banks, becoming a ghost town populated by recently redundant, now-unemployable, skilless (unless you see 'Fettling and Sponging' as a skill) troglodytes wandering about having fights with each other and/or students from the two local universities.
'Stoke-on-Trent' is also Mockney rhyming slang for 'Bent'. If you ever visit the place, you will see what a splendid aptronym-cum-epithet this is.