stoke forum

their has always been a big rivalry with stoke for some reason, in my 44 years of following city their has always been an edge to it, back in the 70s it was real hooligan time at their place,i think they get a buzz off playing city?
to be fair there is a couple of decent ones on there, but only a couple the rest would gladly have us dosed in petrol and set alight hahah
I was on there last night reading a few comments and had to laugh. They claim that there is only one CITY being them and then in the next thread a few of there fans start refering us as CITY . I think this sums up there intelligence
After the 5-2 game in 98 I hated Stoke with what happend after the game but over the last few seasons I dont mind them.
We have a couple of good Stokies that post on here and after watching the game yesterday, although they play shit shit football they work fucking hard and you realy have to work hard for everything you get there.
They deserved the point they got yesterday.

As for fans forums you will get as much bitterness on here towards them and most fans are gutted we have such a great owner but Everton fans seem to have taken it the worst!
Numptyed said:
After the 5-2 game in 98 I hated Stoke with what happend after the game but over the last few seasons I dont mind them.
We have a couple of good Stokies that post on here and after watching the game yesterday, although they play shit shit football they work fucking hard and you realy have to work hard for everything you get there.
They deserved the point they got yesterday.

As for fans forums you will get as much bitterness on here towards them and most fans are gutted we have such a great owner but Everton fans seem to have taken it the worst!

20sbc07 said:
rhinomcfc said:
i like to read other forums but this (stoke's) is a joke and thought id let you see a few things first of all one of them met james milner last night and he signed one of there fanzines, now for doing that there all saying what a top bloke he is and shouldn't be at a shit club like city haha

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ead=142736</a>

secondly were shit fans (apperently) and we all look gay for having a laugh at a football match. dunno where this bitterness has come from.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ead=142684</a>

i know people might say don't go on them if they piss you off but i do like so see the view from the other side and i know people on forums can be bit bias and bitter as seen plenty on here but just thought id share with fellow blues!

there also fuming as were referred to as city and there referred as stoke. they will always know we are the only city!!

I wasnt at the game but on TV you could hear every city song perfectly, the poznan looked good too.

fromafar07(stoke forum) said:
well, i dont know about at the ground since i wasnt there, but on TV they were loud and clear
^this guy speaks the truth

Until we scored we were quiet to be honest. But we did the Poznan mint after we scored, bet it looked top from their fans perspective! And we sung a lot for 8 or so minutes until we clowned it up!
ManCityFC said:
Mate, they were singing "you'll never win fuck all" and were ecstatic with a draw at home....what does that tell you....cause it tell me they are fucking clueless turds with little aspiration?

A silly, tiny little club with silly, tiny little fans. Leave em to their moment of glory. It's all green eyed monster - cause the chances of them achieving anything, any time soon, is nish.
To be fair they are ecstatic to finish 11th every season, playing the worst football known to man.
Personally I thought the City Fans were brilliant yesterday. We shut the gap toothed, 6 fingered halfwits up to the right of us anyway. Thought the "Poznan" was piss funny also. Considering it was about 10 degs below bloody freezing.

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