STOP PA ON WED petition

Personally i think playing the whole Supras - Blue moon ruins it as after weve sung the slow bit everyone gives up on the fast bit, we should just have it played through once 30 seconds before the game then we should be left to carry on singing.
That invisible man Frank Sidebottom nonsense is quite possibly the grimmest thing I've ever heard, and I like death metal.
Uber Blues said:
That was cool someone posted a while ago. I think it was a Turkish game. Guy stood in the middle of the pitch just a couple of mins before the teams came out, he moved his arms up and down slowly to get the Sssssssshhhhh and then the roooooooaaarrr several times. Then they counted i think ONE, TWO, THREE THEN all sang the teams name. The crowd went mad for it! anyone recall it?

Besiktas I think. Reputedly the loudest fans in the world. 132 Decibels.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... re=related</a>
Uber Blues said:
That was cool someone posted a while ago. I think it was a Turkish game. Guy stood in the middle of the pitch just a couple of mins before the teams came out, he moved his arms up and down slowly to get the Sssssssshhhhh and then the roooooooaaarrr several times. Then they counted i think ONE, TWO, THREE THEN all sang the teams name. The crowd went mad for it! anyone recall it?

[youtube][/youtube]<br /><br />-- Mon May 03, 2010 10:58 pm --<br /><br />
Immaculate Pasta said:
Said this last night <a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=173833&p=3182017&hilit=request#p3182017</a>

Cut the fatboy slim shite out and just let the fans sing for 5 mins before the team comes out, that will get the players at it more than a cheesy dance tune will.

Can see where youre coming from, but 'right here, right now' gets a lot of us buzzing, but if we could get everyone signing, then yeah i'd be willing to cut it - but we never get bluemoon going strong for more than 2 verses, thats the problem.
Pam said:
It is loud to the point of stupidity. Why?

Because they can't get the balance right! Been complaining to Danny Wilson all season, the result of that was measurements were taken and then a test in an empty stadium resulting in an "indexing on the amp" Things improved and then went backwards, when the only guy who knows how to use the amp didn't turn up this according to Andy Derbyshire. Well on Saturday it slipped back again to the point in the third tier one had to shout at the person next to you to be heard. The whole thing is a mess! The root problem is that the gob on the pitch can't hear himself so those closest the roof, where the speakers are, end up being subjected to 105db of noise; look the level up on Google and see how it is dangerous to hearing
I have been saying that the PA need to stop for years now ... all for this idea.
Before seats were put in the kippax, everyone got in there early to get near the half way line to se the blues coming out of the tunnel. The noise before they came ou was fantastic and the atmosphere electric.
Now-adays, people linger on the concourse, have a beer, watch the replays on tv from the previous game ... hence shiyt atmos before the game starts.

C'mon blues, lets get the atmosphere going before they come on the pitch. Kill that bloody PA!!!!<br /><br />-- Tue May 04, 2010 12:42 am --<br /><br />
bluemanc said:
What is it with all these petitions all of a sudden,it seems a lot of new members are promoting this kind of stuff more & more.
I'm not the trusting sort to begin with & it smells funny to me all this.

i agree. Lets start a petition to ban further petitions as its doing my head in.
I agree with the PA and music ceasing as the players line up in the tunnel, all the right here right now stuff could be done before then. So the build up starts at 7.30 2 songs to get going, then the announcement of teams.
Then leave it to the fans

It isnt really a petition just an idea put forward from what I see.

However for the club to take notice I believe it would need a lot more positives posting on the thread.

So doubt it will happen but good idea none the less

the noise spoils the atmosphere and makes us look small minded.

we need at least 10 minutes before the teams come out to get the atmosphere going and this is created by the fans and not some bloke with a mic.

Maybe the club could just lower the lights and have the blue moon on the screen and then leave the rest to us.

Read reports on the Liverpool players hearing you'll never walk alone at half time against milan in there comeback final and how hearing the fans motivated them to win the game.

Can't see players being motivated by some one with a mic and piped music blaring away.
mammutly said:
Abit of PA is OK. Reading the players names out is good

Problem is that the bloke gets carried away and starts acting like some big arse DJ.

Remember when we used to have announcements every 5 minutes throughout the whole game telling people their parking tickets were about to run out and stuff. At least we don't get that anymore.
"Mr. Banks has left the building"

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