Strange Boozers you have been in

Balti said:
This could be a very long list but I'll go with Charlies Hole in the Wall in Gib . That was deffo a bit 'strange' !

Charlie was as bent as they come and the old salts would take the fresh faced new joiners in there and try to sell them to Charlie who would lock the door and earnestly 'negotiate'. It was funny as fuck unless you were the naive 'victim'.....

Can you remember what Charlies 'friend' was called who used to run it with him?
Balti said:
This could be a very long list but I'll go with Charlies Hole in the Wall in Gib . That was deffo a bit 'strange' !

Charlie was as bent as they come and the old salts would take the fresh faced new joiners in there and try to sell them to Charlie who would lock the door and earnestly 'negotiate'. It was funny as fuck unless you were the naive 'victim'.....

haha found myself there once, verrrry strange place
mat said:
I liked the John O'Groat in Lancaster, right down to the oliver reed headrests in the toilets.

Shout mat - but surely you're not old enough? you need to be 80+ and accompanied by both grandparents to get in?! I did sneak in once when I was about 30, but they kicked me out for being underage!
One Sunday, my mate & I helped his brother move from Burslem to another part of Stoke. After we were done, we went to the local boozer for a few jars.

Lots of couples (varying ages) who were very friendly with each other, playing some indoor tenpin bowling type game.

My mate started talking to this bird at the bar and next thing this older bloke started getting a bit possessive. I distinctly heard her tell the old boy it was none of his business. If her husband was ok with it, it was nothing to do with him.

I soon twigged that we'd gatecrashed some sort of swingers party. We got turfed out when the old bloke asked my mate who he'd brought to the Party and he replied "Our kid and me mate!
I've been to the highest pub in the UK - The Tan Hill Inn, the lowest - The Admiral Nelson in Holme and the smallest The Signal Box Inn near Scunthorpe.

As for the weirdest, the converted toilets pub on Oxford Road is a strange location. The Marsden Grotto is a pub in the Northeast that's built into a cliff face, that's quite strange.

But the best I've ever been to is one near the Celtic ground where the walls are plain white, you get served through a hatch and I was talked at for well over an hour by a man in a wheelchair named "War Wound Willie!"
it's not just a boozer but a restaurant in NYC's 'Little Italy'; it has a giant penis hanging from the ceiling. My Italian restauranter friend Maria (from Naples) who owns and operates the one a couple of doors down to it rants and rails about how crap their food and everything else is - but that all their customers simply want to touch this hanging phallus-like thing that dangles from on high.

the strangest feeling I got in a pub was in London when City were down to play the Hammers and I got lost getting to the ground as the Tube was closed for maintenance. I set off on foot for a few miles walk and went into this pub en route that kind of gave me bad vibes. After visiting the toilets and a brief chat with a couple of the patrons I left to cross the road for another pub. I found out later that was the boozer that the Krays had someone killed in - at the bar.

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