Student tickets for COMS

eshiers1 said:
sboroMCFC said:
Get a season ticket, I've got the 18-21 season ticket and that is much cheaper than adult tickets.

but living in newcastle i cant make it too a huge amount of games!

Fair enough. I actually wrote the club about there being no student discount outside Manchester Uni a few years ago and they told me that they did it to encourage new support or some bollocks like that. They seem to forget that a lot of City fans will move away from Manchester for uni and have to pay for travel to Manchester!
Forzacitizens said:
sboroMCFC said:
Get a season ticket, I've got the 18-21 season ticket and that is much cheaper than adult tickets.

how much is it for a 18-21 season ticket?

Mine was £350 in East level 1. I think they are reducing the price of them by about 17% this year if I remember rightly!
sboroMCFC said:
eshiers1 said:
sboroMCFC said:
Get a season ticket, I've got the 18-21 season ticket and that is much cheaper than adult tickets.

but living in newcastle i cant make it too a huge amount of games!

Fair enough. I actually wrote the club about there being no student discount outside Manchester Uni a few years ago and they told me that they did it to encourage new support or some bollocks like that. They seem to forget that a lot of City fans will move away from Manchester for uni and have to pay for travel to Manchester!

there is no doubt that the u21 seasonc ard price is excellent value...and if i did live closer to home i would have one...but next year i will not qualify for the u21 season card and i wil still be a student!

so no matter what i will be paying full wack every week
eshiers1 said:
sboroMCFC said:
Get a season ticket, I've got the 18-21 season ticket and that is much cheaper than adult tickets.

but living in newcastle i cant make it too a huge amount of games!

I went to uni in Newcastle too (The proper one, not the posh one you got to Shiers!! :D) and kept my season ticket and made it to nearly all games. Midweekers were difficult to get to but lets be fair, they are for a lot of people!
Poves said:
eshiers1 said:
sboroMCFC said:
Get a season ticket, I've got the 18-21 season ticket and that is much cheaper than adult tickets.

but living in newcastle i cant make it too a huge amount of games!

I went to uni in Newcastle too (The proper one, not the posh one you got to Shiers!! :D) and kept my season ticket and made it to nearly all games. Midweekers were difficult to get to but lets be fair, they are for a lot of people!

it helps when you have a car mate!!!

train was £36 up to £41 so would have cost more to get there than the match ticket...i did keep my season ticket during 1st year but only made it to 10 games
eshiers1 said:
Poves said:
eshiers1 said:
sboroMCFC said:
Get a season ticket, I've got the 18-21 season ticket and that is much cheaper than adult tickets.

but living in newcastle i cant make it too a huge amount of games!

I went to uni in Newcastle too (The proper one, not the posh one you got to Shiers!! :D) and kept my season ticket and made it to nearly all games. Midweekers were difficult to get to but lets be fair, they are for a lot of people!

it helps when you have a car mate!!!

train was £36 up to £41 so would have cost more to get there than the match ticket...i did keep my season ticket during 1st year but only made it to 10 games

I'll let you off. I admit having the car did help. Now go and get a job you dirty tax dodger!
Poves said:
Poves said:
eshiers1 said:
sboroMCFC said:
Get a season ticket, I've got the 18-21 season ticket and that is much cheaper than adult tickets.

but living in newcastle i cant make it too a huge amount of games!

I went to uni in Newcastle too (The proper one, not the posh one you got to Shiers!! :D) and kept my season ticket and made it to nearly all games. Midweekers were difficult to get to but lets be fair, they are for a lot of people!

it helps when you have a car mate!!!

train was £36 up to £41 so would have cost more to get there than the match ticket...i did keep my season ticket during 1st year but only made it to 10 games

I'll let you off. I admit having the car did help. Now go and get a job you dirty tax dodger![/quote]

oi oi...i have a job thank you very much!

not earnin enough to pay tax mind...


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