Stupid things your mrs has a go at you about....

I am on a rant now....... Shit food they buy something different for tea like a fish pie or something asked if you liked it. If you say yes you get all the fucking time!

getting ready for a night out! they will ask you to call a taxi for 8 it will turn up and their not ready dispite being up-stairs for 5 hours getting ready and IT'S YOUR FAULT!

WHAT THE FUCK IS IT WITH SHOES!!! I spend £45.00 on a football top, we can't aford it this month.............. THATS BECAUSE THERE IS 6 NEW PAIR OF SHOES UNDER THE BED!!!!

Fucking woman if they didn't have that in between their legs, wouldn't bother!
Mines a twat for not being on time for anything! Seriously fucking winds me up, although I have got her in to the habit now of admitting shes not gonna be on time. As they say admission is the way to recovery.<br /><br />-- Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:06 pm --<br /><br />
myleftfoot said:
my wife got a kitten off the rspca, i told her no but she was having none of it. i agreed to have the little sod in the house as long as it got its tubes tied by the vet. the cat goes in and due to a vet cock up leading to an overdose of aneasthetic, the little bugger dies.

apparently that is my fault!!!! the cat is dead cos of my selfish behavior and i should have known it wouldnt survive the op!!

she retaliates by getting two new cats from the rspca, and due to pure unluckiness, they also died and now we have no cats.

we bought a gerbil as well but that blew its own head off by chewing through a live cable. she hasnt said it yet, but i know its all my fault somewhere down the line.

thinking about it, the rabbit incident was blamed on me as well!!!

bloody women!!!

I've just pissed myself laughing at that mate. Fucking quality! As I've previously said in this thread an ex of mine blamed me because one of her skanky cats decided to piss on my clothes - I understood it was partly my fault as I had completely by accident closed the door on the little fucker but honestly by the strop she had you would have thought I'd commited a major crime. Fucking unreal. Made even worse was they told me to go and put my stuff out on the line! No offer to let me use the washing machine (like normal people would) just hang it on the line.

I think we only lasted about another two weeks. Lol
I know as a bird I probably shouldn't be reading these (you can add nosey to the list of our bad habits)... but I just have to say that this is, without a shadow of a doubt, the funniest thread I've ever read!! Had no idea we were so annoying. Pure comedy genius!
charitablue said:
I know as a bird I probably shouldn't be reading these (you can add nosey to the list of our bad habits)... but I just have to say that this is, without a shadow of a doubt, the funniest thread I've ever read!! Had no idea we were so annoying. Pure comedy genius!

don't you start your one of them! tell me you have never said or done any of this stuff!
mine's just pissed me right off, i've been grafting this week on paint stripping the bannister with one of those hot air guns, took bleeding ages and she comes home and says "it's getting there" ok, it's not quite finished but a "good work love" and a bj would have been nice.

Today, i've filled gaps in the walls with polyfilla and smooth over in the hall, stairs and landing and sanded all the walls, getting ready for painting,there was dust everywhere that's been hoovered, i've mopped the floor, even washed the fucking pots. She comes home and zooms straight onto a rough bit, 3cm if that and wipes her finger across its saying, "well you've missed that bit" and didn't even look at the rest. She's in the kitchen now cooking what she has called "a lovely tea" while i'm writing (keep looking over my shoulder) and when it comes i'm going to slag it to high heaven :)
bluejimmines said:
mine's just pissed me right off, i've been grafting this week on paint stripping the bannister with one of those hot air guns, took bleeding ages and she comes home and says "it's getting there" ok, it's not quite finished but a "good work love" and a bj would have been nice.

Today, i've filled gaps in the walls with polyfilla and smooth over in the hall, stairs and landing and sanded all the walls, getting ready for painting,there was dust everywhere that's been hoovered, i've mopped the floor, even washed the fucking pots. She comes home and zooms straight onto a rough bit, 3cm if that and wipes her finger across its saying, "well you've missed that bit" and didn't even look at the rest. She's in the kitchen now cooking what she has called "a lovely tea" while i'm writing (keep looking over my shoulder) and when it comes i'm going to slag it to high heaven :)

HA! Tell one part of it is under cooked, say it should have been lefted in for 3 more minutes!

Or when she brings it in take one bite look at her for a few seconds put it down and go and make a buttie! Take will get real mad!
triger700 said:
charitablue said:
I know as a bird I probably shouldn't be reading these (you can add nosey to the list of our bad habits)... but I just have to say that this is, without a shadow of a doubt, the funniest thread I've ever read!! Had no idea we were so annoying. Pure comedy genius!

don't you start your one of them! tell me you have never said or done any of this stuff!

I think I once had a go at an ex for packing the shopping badly .. but he was a feckin eejit who put tins on top of eggs ... surely I can have that one?? Oh and my hair does get everywhere, but 'fraid there's not much I can do about that I'm that, its just downside to long hair. Rest of it is pure bonkers!!
charitablue said:
triger700 said:
don't you start your one of them! tell me you have never said or done any of this stuff!

I think I once had a go at an ex for packing the shopping badly .. but he was a feckin eejit who put tins on top of eggs ... surely I can have that one?? Oh and my hair does get everywhere, but 'fraid there's not much I can do about that I'm that, its just downside to long hair. Rest of it is pure bonkers!!

caustic soda once a week down the bath.... end of hair problem :-)

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