Stupid things your mrs has a go at you about....

Oh...and if i've been at work all week and she goes to her Mum's on Saturday, comes home and i'm sat on the PC apparently i'm lazy. Or i'll get 'the look', that dissapointed dissaproving look. The one that she does when she can't believe i'd rather be sat on the PC, on my day off after a hard long week working, rather than cleaning up or sat still not doing anything, pining for her return. Fucking woman.
My Mrs (being an Altricham girl) can speak a hell of a lot better than me and as we are trying to encourage our son to grow up speaking properly. so I am currently being picked up for eveything I say. I know its for a good cause but it does my fookin head in!! ;-)
Quality thread btw.

She's just rang me, tired cause she's been at the hospital whilst her Sister had her baby and asked if i'd cleaned the house as she doesn't want to come back to a messy house - as if that's my fucking problem. A messy house doesn't upset me it upsets her so why the fuck am i the one expected to clean it? Anyway, i did clean it, sort of, but it looks ok. She asks if i've done the dishwasher i said not yet but i will do (trying to be nice but not getting fucking anywhere) she gets in a mood because it's not done.

I say to her 'i know you're tired but try not to be short with me'. She goes 'right' and hangs the phone up in a mood. Stupid moody fucking ****.
bluemoonmcfc said:
Quality thread btw.

She's just rang me, tired cause she's been at the hospital whilst her Sister had her baby and asked if i'd cleaned the house as she doesn't want to come back to a messy house - as if that's my fucking problem. A messy house doesn't upset me it upsets her so why the fuck am i the one expected to clean it? Anyway, i did clean it, sort of, but it looks ok. She asks if i've done the dishwasher i said not yet but i will do (trying to be nice but not getting fucking anywhere) she gets in a mood because it's not done.

I say to her 'i know you're tired but try not to be short with me'. She goes 'right' and hangs the phone up in a mood. Stupid moody fucking ****.

bet her sister is more tired lol
Fanzone Danny said:
My Mrs (being an Altricham girl) can speak a hell of a lot better than me and as we are trying to encourage our son to grow up speaking properly. so I am currently being picked up for eveything I say. I know its for a good cause but it does my fookin head in!! ;-)
Now this I can relate to 100%
Me and my kids are full on, 100% North Mancunians. My kids have excellent manners and I like to think they're well behaved etc. My mrs is from Bolton, but her mum speaks amazing English with an accent which can only be describes as posh. I know it sounds mad, Bolton people sounding posh, but trust me on it. My mrs was brought up to pronounce everything precise and speaks well herself. Her daughter is only 4 and to say she has picked up the North Manchester is an understatement! my mrs' mum ALWAYS corrects her if she mis-pronounces something and then I get a funny look off her! I try and emphasise the North Mancness in Megan more and more now, just to make a point this is where she lives!!
Breathing too loudly in bed, snoring, talking, thrashing around, just generally being an inconvenient bugger in the bedroom. I can't fecking help it. I don't smoke, I don't drink much, I wear those fucking nose strip things and when I wake up I get told how badly she has slept. Well go to the fooking spare room then, I say. No, no, no I'll be alright she replies, making me feel awful. :(

I try not to sleep anymore.
BlueHubert said:
Breathing too loudly in bed, snoring, talking, thrashing around, just generally being an inconvenient bugger in the bedroom. I can't fecking help it. I don't smoke, I don't drink much, I wear those fucking nose strip things and when I wake up I get told how badly she has slept. Well go to the fooking spare room then, I say. No, no, no I'll be alright she replies, making me feel awful. :(

I try not to sleep anymore.

I do this as well, but it's normally after a shedload of cider and 20 cigs so I've not got a leg to stand on.

"Morning Petal. Did you sleep well"
*Turns to look at me with that look*
"Erm. Soz"
m27 said:
BlueHubert said:
Breathing too loudly in bed, snoring, talking, thrashing around, just generally being an inconvenient bugger in the bedroom. I can't fecking help it. I don't smoke, I don't drink much, I wear those fucking nose strip things and when I wake up I get told how badly she has slept. Well go to the fooking spare room then, I say. No, no, no I'll be alright she replies, making me feel awful. :(

I try not to sleep anymore.

I do this as well, but it's normally after a shedload of cider and 20 cigs so I've not got a leg to stand on.

"Morning Petal. Did you sleep well"
*Turns to look at me with that look*
"Erm. Soz"

Women --- if they hadnt got fannys we would throw rocks at them
To be fair my missus is bang on. She's a good cook, makes the house spotless etc. But this comes at a price because everything has to be in tip top condition. As do my habits, which i can't guarantee.

The main thing I get moaned about is farting in bed and wafting the covers to bring that lovely aroma up. Can't think why she goes on and on when I do it...

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