Bill Walker
Well-Known Member
SPIDERBOY said:StrangewaysHereWeCome said:The Halal method of slaughter may appear barbaric. Is it crueller than other methods though? You've seen how chickens are killed or, how baby male chicks are 'disposed' of.
Pigs are known to experience stress and fear at the slaughterhouse because they 'know' a terrible fate awaits them.
it's cruel as fuck to eat meat anyway (depending how you view our furry friends) and if I had to kill my own animals for consumption I'd be a veggie pretty quick.
As I've posted in another thread,I was a slaughterman for 10 years,I worked for a company that owned a lot of different abattoir's.....I've had to assist in the process of halal meat,as only the Muslim is allowed to kill the animal,which would be mainly a ewe,cattle,calf or goat.....
I suppose ewe would know then