Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

I think you will find they are using this manufactured "crisis" is being used to deflect from the largest problem we face - you can see that by how much effort they and their supporters in the media are grafting to convince the gullible that the reason they are having to live on tins of peaches and turn the heating off is a few thousand Albanian women
The only way to make them stop is to convince them that it isn't a vote winner. If we don't do that we deserve the government we get. A set of evil cunts that think treating those than really need our help and support worse than criminals is a sound vote winner.
The only way to make them stop is to convince them that it isn't a vote winner. If we don't do that we deserve the government we get. A set of evil cunts that think treating those than really need our help and support worse than criminals is a sound vote winner.
The problem is that this government has already lost the support of nearly all reasonable people through its abject performance over the last 12 years along with the realisation by many who voted for Brexit that they were sold a lie and it can never deliver what they thought they voted for. That leaves the only votes they can win to add to their support are those on the far right fringes who would normally vote UKIP or one of Farage's incarnations, and they hope that those added to the core Tory voters who take no interest in current affairs will be sufficient to win an election or at least not get wiped out completely. It might have worked if the economy wasn't in the shit but even with the help of the RW media the Tories are pretty much a spent force as long as huge numbers can't afford even the basics.
The problem is that this government has already lost the support of nearly all reasonable people through its abject performance over the last 12 years along with the realisation by many who voted for Brexit that they were sold a lie and it can never deliver what they thought they voted for. That leaves the only votes they can win to add to their support are those on the far right fringes who would normally vote UKIP or one of Farage's incarnations, and they hope that those added to the core Tory voters who take no interest in current affairs will be sufficient to win an election or at least not get wiped out completely. It might have worked if the economy wasn't in the shit but even with the help of the RW media the Tories are pretty much a spent force as long as huge numbers can't afford even the basics.
Ideally, and essential for the benefit of everyone, we have to get government out of politics.
Yeah, it empowered some for a time 'Suck it up', 'We're leaving together', 'ALL THE OTHER BINGO RHETORIC'....but then they were left down but they've shown their cards now.

There's a pattern to their views anyway (echoing that Tony Benn quote about how Govts treat fact worth a repost below).

View attachment 59961
A brilliant thinker and he had a huge advantage over todays Pygmy politicians, in that he could acknowledge mistakes and, much more importantly, change his mind. A few quotes, as relevant today as they were then.

“I think there are two ways in which people are controlled. First of all frighten people and secondly, demoralise them.“

“Five questions for politicians: 1. What power have you got? 2. Where did you get it from? 3. In whose interest do you exercise it? 4. To whom are you accountable? 5. How can we get rid of you?”

“An educated, healthy and confident nation is harder to govern.”

“The nature of the economic system should be a matter for public choice, and free market capitalism should not be accepted without any discussion of the rich variety of alternatives ... Unlike civil laws, economic laws are imposed on people with all the authority of immutable laws of nature. But the economy is created by people, supported by government intervention, regulation, statute and subsidy, and implemented in such a way that it gives substantial wealth and power to a privileged few, while the majority face a life of relentless work, stress and periodic financial insecurity.”
I think you will find they are using this manufactured "crisis" is being used to deflect from the largest problem we face - you can see that by how much effort they and their supporters in the media are grafting to convince the gullible that the reason they are having to live on tins of peaches and turn the heating off is a few thousand Albanian women
They could send a few round to each house to help keep everyone warm……
It's funny how the BBC can infiltrate "Albanian trafficking gangs" but the home office can't...
What I've just seen on the 1pm News began with a headline of criminal gangs recruiting people in refugee camps to join the "drugs trade" in Britain. One interviewee with an account of being approached, not much evidence.

I struggle with the idea that foreign gangs are running our world-beating drugs trade. County police seemed reluctant to jail local dealers lest it open the areas to more violent gangs from the big cities.
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What I've just seen on the 1pm News began with a headline of criminal gangs recruiting people in refugee camps to join the "drugs trade" in Britain. One interviewee with an account of being approached, not much evidence.

I struggle with the idea that foreign gangs are running our world-beating drugs trade. County police seemed reluctant to jail local dealers lest it open the areas to more violent gangs from the big cities.
Indeed. Had experience of that myself with a group of teenage boys travelling form Barnsley to Scouse.

BTP weren't exactly arsed. Searched them. Took something off them. Wrote something down and asked me to take them back to Sheffield where a careworker would meet them.
Just watched the end of the walk in, showing Jo Cox's speech in Parliament
"“we are far more united and have far more in common than that which divides us”.
And we have this fucking vile individual prodding the hornets nest. She will have blood on her hands, no better than the neo nazi that killed Mrs Cox.
i watched that too, felt very sad to see her speaking

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