Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

I think she should be given a chance - she is right on this:

"Suella Braverman is planning an urgent overhaul of the Government’s counter-extremism programme after an official inquiry concluded Prevent was treating potential terrorists as “victims”."

I have had 'prevent training' in my work and it vexed me. The speaker would talk about something involving a certain religion, but then immediately bring up something like the Thomas Mair/Jo Cox murder, to make the scales balance. They do not.

Is important too, but how come PP who seemed to be so divisive has left a "....lengthy list of demands"?

Could it be the left-leaning (& pro-remain) civil servants in the Westminister bubble, dragged their feet deliberately - and what is to stop them doing the same again for this new woman?

This bit puzzles me though: "Suella Braverman takes her post as the legality of the government’s agreement to forcibly send asylum seekers to Rwanda is examined by the High Court." I thought the Rwanda scheme had passed successfully through every court in the land and its enactment only stopped by the ECHR, so why are the High court examining its 'legality'?

She is also right on this Police issue too. My dad is retired Manchester Police person, he was raging when the police stood by as vandals toppled an Edward Colston statue into Bristol harbour. Don't get me started on what he said when the culprits were tracked down later (well they were all over social media) charged, put up in court and then found 'not guilty' of criminal damage! The country made to look foolish, by lefty lawyers, yet again.
Billhooks, no such thing as a 'lefty lawyer'. Lawyers follow the law. If people are let off it is because of the law not the lawyer.
She is also right on this Police issue too. My dad is retired Manchester Police person, he was raging when the police stood by as vandals toppled an Edward Colston statue into Bristol harbour. Don't get me started on what he said when the culprits were tracked down later (well they were all over social media) charged, put up in court and then found 'not guilty' of criminal damage! The country made to look foolish, by lefty lawyers, yet again.
I thought it was a jury that acquitted them.
I think she should be given a chance - she is right on this:

"Suella Braverman is planning an urgent overhaul of the Government’s counter-extremism programme after an official inquiry concluded Prevent was treating potential terrorists as “victims”."

I have had 'prevent training' in my work and it vexed me. The speaker would talk about something involving a certain religion, but then immediately bring up something like the Thomas Mair/Jo Cox murder, to make the scales balance. They do not.

Is important too, but how come PP who seemed to be so divisive has left a "....lengthy list of demands"?

Could it be the left-leaning (& pro-remain) civil servants in the Westminister bubble, dragged their feet deliberately - and what is to stop them doing the same again for this new woman?

This bit puzzles me though: "Suella Braverman takes her post as the legality of the government’s agreement to forcibly send asylum seekers to Rwanda is examined by the High Court." I thought the Rwanda scheme had passed successfully through every court in the land and its enactment only stopped by the ECHR, so why are the High court examining its 'legality'?

She is also right on this Police issue too. My dad is retired Manchester Police person, he was raging when the police stood by as vandals toppled an Edward Colston statue into Bristol harbour. Don't get me started on what he said when the culprits were tracked down later (well they were all over social media) charged, put up in court and then found 'not guilty' of criminal damage! The country made to look foolish, by lefty lawyers, yet again.
Stop simply attacking lawyers. You do not know their political persuasion or in fact if they were doing their job

Everyone still has the right to legal representation. You might need it one day
Stop simply attacking lawyers. You do not know their political persuasion or in fact if they were doing their job

Everyone still has the right to legal representation. You might need it one day
The notion that the criminal bar is replete with ‘lefty lawyers’ is comical - even more so the judiciary. Always makes me laugh when gammons talk about the “liberal Court of Appeal”. There is fuck all that is liberal about C of A Judges. They are at the very epicentre of the establishment ffs.
I think she should be given a chance - she is right on this:

"Suella Braverman is planning an urgent overhaul of the Government’s counter-extremism programme after an official inquiry concluded Prevent was treating potential terrorists as “victims”."

I have had 'prevent training' in my work and it vexed me. The speaker would talk about something involving a certain religion, but then immediately bring up something like the Thomas Mair/Jo Cox murder, to make the scales balance. They do not.

Is important too, but how come PP who seemed to be so divisive has left a "....lengthy list of demands"?

Could it be the left-leaning (& pro-remain) civil servants in the Westminister bubble, dragged their feet deliberately - and what is to stop them doing the same again for this new woman?

This bit puzzles me though: "Suella Braverman takes her post as the legality of the government’s agreement to forcibly send asylum seekers to Rwanda is examined by the High Court." I thought the Rwanda scheme had passed successfully through every court in the land and its enactment only stopped by the ECHR, so why are the High court examining its 'legality'?

She is also right on this Police issue too. My dad is retired Manchester Police person, he was raging when the police stood by as vandals toppled an Edward Colston statue into Bristol harbour. Don't get me started on what he said when the culprits were tracked down later (well they were all over social media) charged, put up in court and then found 'not guilty' of criminal damage! The country made to look foolish, by lefty lawyers, yet again.
The C of A are examining the 'legality' of the Rwanda deal because they weren't given all the facts by the government (no surprise there then) and this has been challenged by the Good Law Society I think they are called.
Braverman is a Buddhist, isn't she?

A lot of emphasis in that faith is placed on becoming more aware - through vipassana (aka mindfulness) meditation - of the nexus of causes and conditions that lead us to where we are right now, both individually and collectively. This is not just karma that I am referring to here, by the way. The teaching of paticca samuppada is about far more than that, and I would refer readers of this post to the excellent exposition of it that can be found in Richard Gombrich's What The Buddha Thought if they are curious to find out more.

So what is our new Home Secretary, who was fast-tracked into the post of Attorney General via a process that left those in the know rather aghast, likely to be getting wrong in the wider sphere of cause and effect?

First of all, as a supporter of neoliberal capitalism, she seems dangerously unaware of the fact that increased lawlessness and crime invariably follow-on from neoliberal policy-making, due to the corrosive effects of these selfsame policies, which weaken intermediary social institutions and the informal social controls of community and family life. The endpoint of this development comes when the sanctions of the criminal law become the principal remaining support of social order, as seems to be the case in the USA, given the extraordinarily high rates of incarceration there.

As far as economic migrancy is concerned, it also has to be realized that LEDCs (Less Economically Developed Countries) have also been failed by neoliberal policies. One example is where deregulation has resulted in infant industries in these countries being strangled more or less at birth, as they receive no protection from import tariffs. Often, in the MENA, these policies have been enacted by autocratic leaders and rulers who have been propped up by the West. So it is no surprise that some of the more desperate members of the population try to make their way here. Of course, I am aware that this is not going to apply in all cases (Iran being one example), but it is a factor and one which I doubt very much that Braverman has considered.

Overall then, it would not surprise me if she turns out to be just as incompetent and out of her depth as the other members of the cabinet, who are similarly dangerous ideologues.

Could the mindfulness meditation that she presumably practices on a daily basis be of any help? Well, in theory, metta (lovingkindness) and karuna (compassion) are two qualities that can be extended and expressed to all living beings when cultivated. But I doubt that she actually bothers with that particular technique.

And what I suspect she might have overlooked is the bigger picture, namely, that these practices have already been co-opted by neoliberalism as a means of helping people to cope with the instabilities and insecurities, the remorseless stresses, that inevitably accompany this form of late period capitalism, so that they do not then start to question the system itself.

Mindfulness (or 'McMindfulness' as it has been dubbed) is actually now big business. Corporate leaders and employees at all levels are encouraged to adopt mindfulness practices (that can specifically include extending compassion and lovingkindness to oneself, one's colleagues and customers) in staff training courses. And for school pupils subjected to a constant regime of testing, the method is also touted (and often introduced by inexperienced teachers with little formal training, or even via an iPhone App) as a way to address the mental health issues that are becoming increasingly prevalent among teenagers.

So there you go. All the indications are that Braverman is likely to be another Tory politician who is almost certainly hopelessly ill-equipped to deal with the problems that she will face.
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Braverman is a Buddhist, isn't she?

A lot of emphasis in that faith is placed on becoming more aware - through vipassana (aka mindfulness) meditation - of the nexus of causes and conditions that lead us to where we are right now, both individually and collectively. This is not just karma that I am referring to here, by the way. The teaching of paticca samuppada is about far more than that, and I would refer readers of this post to the excellent exposition of it that can be found in Richard Gombrich's What The Buddha Thought if they are curious to find out more.

So what is our new Home Secretary, who was fast-tracked into the post of Attorney General via a process that left those in the know rather aghast, likely to be getting wrong in the sphere of moral cause and effect?

First of all, as a supporter of neoliberal capitalism, she seems dangerously unaware of the fact that increased lawlessness and crime invariably follow-on from neoliberal policy-making, due to the corrosive effects of these selfsame policies, which weaken intermediary social institutions and the informal social controls of community and family life. The endpoint of this development comes when the sanctions of the criminal law become the principal remaining support of social order, as seems to be the case in the USA, given the extraordinarily high rates of incarceration there.

As far as economic migrancy is concerned, it also has to be realized that LEDCs (Less Economically Developed Countries) have also been failed by neoliberal policies. One example is where deregulation has resulted in infant industries in these countries being strangled more or less at birth, as they receive no protection from import tariffs. Often, in the MENA, these policies have been enacted by autocratic leaders and rulers who have been propped up by the West. So it is no surprise that some of the more desperate members of the population try to make their way here. Of course, I am aware that this is not going to apply in all cases (Iran being one example), but it is a factor and one which I doubt very much that Braverman has considered.

Overall then, it would not surprise me if she turns out to be just as incompetent and out of her depth as the other members of the cabinet, who are similarly dangerous ideologues.

Could the mindfulness meditation that she presumably practices on a daily basis be of any help? Well, in theory, metta (lovingkindness) and karuna (compassion) are two qualities that can be extended and expressed to all living beings when cultivated. But I doubt that she actually bothers with that particular technique.

And what I suspect she might have overlooked is the bigger picture, namely, that these practices have already been co-opted by neoliberalism as a means of helping people to cope with the instabilities and insecurities, the remorseless stresses, that inevitably accompany this form of late period capitalism, so that they do not then start to question the system itself.

Mindfulness (or 'McMindfulness' as it has been dubbed) is actually now big business. Corporate leaders and employees at all levels are encouraged to adopt mindfulness practices (that can specifically include extending compassion and lovingkindness to oneself, one's colleagues and customers) in staff training courses. And for school pupils subjected to a constant regime of testing, the method is also touted (and often introduced by inexperienced teachers with little formal training, or even via an iPhone App) as a way to address the mental health issues that are becoming increasingly prevalent among teenagers.

So there you go. All the indications are that Braverman is likely to be another Tory politician who is almost certainly hopelessly ill-equipped to deal with the problems that she will have to deal with.
Believe me buddhist don't meditate daily over mindfulness unless thay are in a temple or use the religion as a fad.

Buddhist I have lived with amd met normally try to be good to others and share the burdon, lalso some are just lime evwrybody else.

I doubt her buddhism has anything to do with being a tory crank in fact it goes against the 5 moral precepts, she certainly won't find enlightenment being a conservative
I doubt her buddhism has anything to do with being a tory crank in fact it goes against the 5 moral precepts, she certainly won't find enlightenment being a conservative.

I would tend to agree, though the Soto Zen teacher and blogger Brad Warner had some interesting things to say about whether you could be both a Buddhist and a Trump supporter.

I agree with him and wouldn't seek to exclude a Trump supporter or someone like Braverman from a vihara or zendo.

But I would be on their case right away outside of that environment.
I would tend to agree, though the Soto Zen teacher and blogger Brad Warner had some interesting things to say about whether you could be both a Buddhist and a Trump supporter.

I agree with him and wouldn't seek to exclude a Trump supporter or someone like Braverman from a vihara or zendo.

But I would be on their case right away outside of that environment.
Zen buddhism is a mix with toaism and different to the theravada buddhism I have experience of, not really big on zen and the west use of it as a fad.

Anyway she is a member of the trirantra sect which most other buddhist think is a cult

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