Summerbee Never To Be Invited Again!


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10 Nov 2008
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* Sport
* Football
* Manchester City

Mike Summerbee unrepentant in accusing Sky of Manchester United bias

• Former City player bemoans repetition of Rooney goal
• Sky says club ambassador will not be invited again

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* Daniel Taylor
*, Sunday 20 February 2011 23.04 GMT
* Article history

Mike Summerbee playing for Manchester City in 1968 Mike Summerbee playing for Manchester City in 1968. Photograph: Hulton Archive/Getty

Mike Summerbee, the former Manchester City player, has said he has no regrets over the impassioned outburst on Sky television about the way he believes the broacaster favours Manchester United over his own club. Summerbee admitted losing his temper after City's 2-1 defeat in the Manchester derby last weekend but said he stuck by his words and remains angry about the way "they only see United".

To illustrate his point, the man who formed part of the most successful side in City's history condemned Sky for the frequency with which it has repeated Wayne Rooney's winning goal. "I am already fed up with seeing and reading about that Rooney goal," Summerbee wrote in his column in the matchday programme.

"It was special – any football fan would admit that – but you can have too much of it. The day after the derby I came back from watching my grandson score two goals in his Sunday morning match, switched on the telly and there was that goal again. I gave it the quick change to Antiques Roadshow."

Senior sources at Sky have indicated that Summerbee, now a club ambassador, will not be invited on again but the 68-year-old said he had been heartened by the comments from City supporters. "Most of them have been extremely positive," he said. "I did lose my temper a little bit and it is a good job for Dwight Yorke [the former Manchester United player was a fellow pundit] that I have mellowed with age.

"They [the media] go on as though we don't exist and that annoys me. I don't mind banter. I don't even mind jokes at our expense but, when I feel the progress we have clearly made – on and off the field – is being ignored, then it gets my goat.

"I was proud of the way we knocked the ball around at Old Trafford. We played some lovely football and on another day could have got at least a point out of the game. For the first time in a long time I left Old Trafford after a defeat not depressed about the result. One of the biggest compliments was the fact Sir Alex Ferguson left his top scorer [Dimitar Berbatov] on the bench. He knew what a danger we posed.

"There will be many City fans who will be sick of hearing that United are looking over their shoulder and that we are closing the gap on them but I genuinely believe that the Reds are not hearing us coming up behind them but looking at us right alongside now."

City's lawyers are taking action to remove a spoof account, Simple_as_Mike, that has appeared on Twitter, with the profile 'Embittered Manchester City legend and enemy of statistics & facts.'
Never being invited again because he had the nerve to stand up to Sky and their bias? Fuck 'em.
whats the point of only inviting people on the show who only say the things you want them to say ?

even if i thought he made a dick of himself ,at least it was a different point of view and made good telly
just goes to prove there IS an agenda
so mike summerbee won't be invited back but sky sports will continue to wheel out an endless parade of alcoholics, smackheads, washed up hacks & brain dead cocks with a malicious personal agenda (including some sky presenters). fuck 'em. and well done buzzer for telling it like it is.
summerbee didnt make a dick of himself at all, he just offered a more balanced view and should be complimented on that.Too many people are like sheep and happy to accept the sanitised disneyesque reporting that sky brainwash us with.
baa baaa baa!
I think he only said what everybody else who isnt a united fan was thinking for years.

But just because he is a blue is bitter ? not at all, he spoke the truth.

If it had have been any other person, not connected with city who said exactly what he did, they would have been a national hero, But as usual its City therfore bitter wrong.

Fuck em anyway,
A lot of my non-City supporting friends are in total support of Buzzer and what he said. In fact I have been genuinely surprised by the positive reaction from loads of people that I know.
Initially I thought they'd be queing up to give me stick regarding the comments, but on the contrary: most of them have basically said: Well done, Summerbee. Fair play to you, etc.

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