Summerbee Never To Be Invited Again!

Fuck Sky , redknapp and yorke are a pair of wankers , buzzer was excellent and ssaid what everyone thinks . Pity SKY didnt show tuearts overhead kick to win the 76 cup final ! but they wont will they
Excellent - Congratulations to Buzzer in showing them up and not conforming to plastic media punditry - true Blue.
Massive well done to Mike.

City should politely turn down any requests to have officials interviewed for the rest of the season.

I think we are contracted to the manager's interview after a game but outside of that we should just tell them everyone is too busy.

Mind you, don't want to cut our nose off to spite our face. Like it or not Sky is pretty powerful in the world of English football.

I know a lot of posters we come back with, "fuck them", "wankers" and other such useful comments but we need to continue to raise our profile within the establishment and not be seen as arrogant or bullies.

Going forward they will need us as much as we need them.

Summerbee will be back!
I do honestly believe we should fuck them off altogether.

ADUG has the resources to do such a thing.

if the Premierleague argue against this we could argue that Murdoch has way too much of a monopoly over the British Public and we are looking at reducing this.

Considering the guy isn't even English he has way to much power in this country in the mass media.
Good on him. I wish more pundits were more passionate and honest most of them end up saying nothing or just come across as fergie sycophants.
I didn't see Mike's rant but I bet it was mild to what I would have said given half the chance.

Just like to say that I didn't watch the game as I never watch United on the TV and so far have managed to escape seeing the Rooney fluke.
I Imagine what sky dont like is that it was more akin to sky's 'Fanzone'. they dont want people too biased, which I think is poor. I didnt like fanzone, but two ex pro's baiting each other would be great.

Probably why Thompson only gets a soccer saturday seat and not proper punditry.

do they still do fanzone? i loved it


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