Sunday Supplement 15/16

According to Martin Samuel, none of the English teams last season were knocked out of the Champs League by one of the 'big three' - Bayern, Barca or Real Madrid.

Erm, Martin, did you not see City play Barcelona?

He's full of shit recently that guy.

He also said Chelsea's problems were all down to not strengthening the team in the summer compared to their major rivals. Whilst you can use that as an excuse for us serving their arse on a plate, how on earth can that be an excuse for not beating Swansea, Everton and Crystal Palace.

It's even more laughable when you consider that both United and Chelsea, in their most recent league wins, won the league comfortably and had a poor (Chelsea so far) following season and the media blamed poor transfer windows. However, when we won the league, which was nowhere near as comfortable as United or Chelsea, and had a poor following transfer window that was not an excuse.

Surely the team who marginally wins the league needs to strengthen more than the ones who comfortably win the league.
It's monumentally difficult to keep the level of desire to win a league up for a second season after you've won it. As we've found out ourselves. I think bringing new talent in is useful more to push your existing players than actually to strengthen the team. Chelsea aren't worse this season because they didn't strengthen. They're worse because their best performers from last season aren't performing to the level they're capable of. Exactly the same as the seasons that we've lost our title.
They are drooling to get stuck into 'the most expensive team in history" getting turned over. I see not many have the stomach for these cockroaches this morning. Sorry to draw attention to them. "Mark Noble the English heartbeat of the side......" Foreign players don't care apparently - they turn up in tuxedos
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They are drooling to get stuck into 'the most expensive team in history" getting turned over. I see not many have the stomach for these cockroaches this morning. Sorry to draw attention to them. "Mark Noble the English heartbeat of the side......" Foreign players don't care apparently - they turn up in tuxedos

well that's alright, because most of us were trying to find the pulse of Hart and Sterling last night.
One of them saying the crowd on Tursday were flat from the off but saying he doesn't know why. Is it not his job to investigate? They are all so effen lazy. There are 20 clubs in the premiership it shouldn't be too hard to keep up.
Fat Fucker asked to give comment on our defeat by West Ham. Admitted he hadn't seen it but still reckons West Ham deserved it. No mention of 27 - 3 shots or 72 % possession or battering them 2nd half. No mention of disgraceful time wasting and shite refereeing (not at our ground anyway). Clearly none of them have seen it or give a Fuck to give an informed opinion. About right for journalists in this country!
the fact is we will still be around winning trophies long after these planks have retired...they are from the old breed of journalist that revel in the delight that the 'old elite' will still reign supreme, which has gone by but they refuse to give up on that notion of belief
Serious question and I'm not having a go or taking the piss, has Daniel Taylor had a stroke?

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