Sunday Supplement

Why put yourself through it? You know exactly what these wankers are going to say. I would rather stick pins in my eyes than listen to a load of knobheads who know fuck all.

Matin Samuals has been constantly writing good things about us in his online articles for a good while now.
bluevengence said:
Any bashing of Liverpool for loaning out 20 million pound dud Aquilani ?

Not even a mention of Liverpool, or in fact many other teams it centred on Blackpool/Arsenal - City - England Manager - St Paul of Scholes -

I know it seems to be mainly City bashing, however as a great man said, "there's only 1 thing worse than being talked about - and that's not being talked about" I quite like the program actually because when you sit back and analyse it - we have 4 different football journalists, who allegedly see the same game - and get 4 different opinions - wtf?
mcfc1996 said:
Why put yourself through it? You know exactly what these wankers are going to say. I would rather stick pins in my eyes than listen to a load of knobheads who know fuck all.
Exactly. I cannot understand why people on here, who are aware that the programme has a history of anti City comments, still watch it every sunday. There are a number of buttons on your remote controls Ladies and gentlemen, and some of them perform very useful function. For instance, there is the 'Channel +/-' button which actually changes the channel you are watching. And then there is the 'on/off' button which actually does what it says on the tin and does indeed turn your TV on or off. Staggering I know,but there you go. See you next sunday.
I remember the kippax said:
Deep breath............ pinch of salt - however -

Positives - Henry Winter (with the exception of the YaYa statement) backing the club because of the young players we have bought. He also impressed me when he was taking Custis apart.

Negatives - Custis & the dipper git from the News of the World - how are you supposed to get a balanced view when 2 of the representatives are from essentially the same newspaper?

Anyway, got to go now - they're just talking about Saint Paul of the Scholes and his mission to become England's football saviour.... so I'm off outside into the garden ;-)
What made me laugh was let's talk about how good a season scholes is have WTF 1 league game at home against a shit side and he's having a great season Ha fucking Ha
Win matches , win trophies , play exciting attractive football and they change their tune .

Until then we are fair game .
Couldn't belive it when that prick Custis told Winter he was only being pro-City because he had a chat with Brian Marwood last week
Thats almost implying that the press DO have an agenda against us
If i was Winter i would of smacked the knob in the face
I'm really not sure whether these clowns do actually believe what they say or if it is all just for show. If they can't recognise that Yaya and Silva are actually quite good footballers I really do worry about the total ignorance of English journalists. Can you imagine if Fergie had bought these two they'd be saying "Can't see why he's bought these 2 jokers". Silva can't get in the Spain time! Firstly he can, secondly he is in direct competition with Iniesta, the best midfielder in the world, yes even better than the "under-rated" Ginger one. They'll be telling us that Berbaflop has finally shown why Scum paid all that money for him following his goal last week.
Gets on my tits when they keep saying we did not sign world class players like Messi, Torres or Kaka.

1 i would much rather have balotelli than torres.

2.yeah messi would be fantastic but he would never leave barcelona, no
matter what team came in for him.

3. kaka - no thank you, he has been terible IMO since he went to madrid, and it would just have been another Robinho situation if he would have come.

4. Why do these reporter's think these players are going to be world class for ever.

5.kolarov not world class, only wanted city him,well thats bull shit. inter and real madird both wanted him. so he must be world class

6. same for Silva, barcelona wanted him.

7 Fabregas could not get in the Spain side, nether could Torres, in the world cup, but im sure there classed as world class stars.

9.why dont we need yaya, he is one if not the best DM in the world, its like saying "naaaa we dont want messi as we have adebayor and tevez.

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