Sunday's NOTW re Stadium expansion ...

ballymunblue said:
i am sure when scum had 29k at the swamp in 92/93 they would have thought a 76k stadium was crazy

year-----------division------venue----team---attendance----average for season

1992-93*------Prem-------swamp--- Aston V----29,736 ---------- 35,573

the other rags wanted to go but they couldn't get tickets
Balti said:
ballymunblue said:
i am sure when scum had 29k at the swamp in 92/93 they would have thought a 76k stadium was crazy

year-----------division------venue----team---attendance----average for season

1992-93*------Prem-------swamp--- Aston V----29,736 ---------- 35,573

the other rags wanted to go but they couldn't get tickets

capacity was 53k
Soulboy said:
Damocles said:
Hate to be "that guy", but how are we going to put 75,000 fans in our stadium when we have trouble at times filling 47,000?

I expect the Rags thought this in 1990 when Martin Edwards said that a 44,000 capacity stadium was more than enough for the clubs' ambitions.

But a few trophies later and they've never stopped increasing the capacity.

I remember before the trophies rolled in, Old Trafford was getting routine crowds of 35,000.

But then the club invested millions in players... and the rest is history?

Can we not do the same?

out of everything that's being done to make MANCHESTER CITY great the hardest part will be trying to change some fans views on us being small time!

winning trophy's will help obviously but there is no harm in looking to the future and knowing some time soon we will be one of the bigger teams in Europe.
surely by then we`ll have an extra 20k supporters made up of prawn butty brigade,gloryhunters,coaches from far and wide,god i hope not! It`s starting already,i`ve been buying a king of the kippax and lost count how many times an out of town voice has come up and asked if that`s the programme. Be prepared guys,with success comes it`s obstacles,i for sure don`t want to be at the match sat next to dagenham dave on his day out to eastlands......
andypandy said:
I was told by the guy conducting the City Tour that the stadium can only be incresed to around 60,000 max, which would involve continuing the third tier behind each goal

Apparently the problem is due to how the stadium was constructed in the first place and in particular the spiral entrances / exits. I was told that these spiral exists cannot be increased, and were specifcally designed to allow fans to exit the stadium in a specific time to do with ground safety regulations.

In short we cannot just add another tier all around.

Just passing on what I was told, but the tour I did was a few years back so maybe things / regulations etc have changed since
That makes sense, but I'm sure thats simply without major alteration to the ground, if the club is willing to spend enough it can be done.

-- Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:48 pm --

manimanc said:
surely by then we`ll have an extra 20k supporters made up of prawn butty brigade,gloryhunters,coaches from far and wide,god i hope not! It`s starting already,i`ve been buying a king of the kippax and lost count how many times an out of town voice has come up and asked if that`s the programme. Be prepared guys,with success comes it`s obstacles,i for sure don`t want to be at the match sat next to dagenham dave on his day out to eastlands......
It doesnt work like that, what happens(as with Chelsea)is that the "real" fans are pushed out and the ones that will pay the most added(the 2nd tier is a good example of that from next season), if you are willing to pay stupid money then you can stay if not you have to watch on sky. Make no mistake thats the choice we will face if they dont add seats.
cleavers said:
Skashion said:
To increase our income by about 200% we'd need to increase our match day revenue by about 1200%. Shit.
With respect your reply is "shit". If you think that we don't need to increase revenue then I think you need to wake up, if you then say that my figure of 200% is wrong and that you think its much less, then the argument in favour of an increase in prices is even greater, I'll let you work out why.

We "need to increase our income by about 200%" is a rough guide to cover our expected outgoings by 2013. This will be done by a combination of ticket prices, sponsorship, and qualification for group (and beyond) stage Champions League. I was assuming people had heard of sponsorship, and champions league qualification, but I guess some haven't.

This (funnily enough) will also help increase "match day revenue", but to suggest it would need to be by 1200% to increase income by 200%, is laughable.
Firstly, I wasn't being totally serious. I really should have added a big fucking ;). Secondly, the shit in my post was not directed at your post, it was directed at my sarcastic proposition of ticket prices being increased 1200% across the board (all fans). Thirdly, of course we need to increase revenue.

This is where the 1200% came from:

Turnover: 87m (08/09)
Match day and gate revenue: 15m (08/09)

87m x 2(00%) = 174m. 174m/15m = 11.6(00%)

In short, increasing match day revenue through normal fans is a ridiculous strategy and cannot work. A few million here or there will not make a significant difference - remembering of course that City has the additional burden of paying a decent percentage of that to Manchester Council. It will be the corporates who will have to increase the match day and gate revenue. I'm certainly not expecting ticket reductions but anyone arguing we have to raise ticket prices in the non-corporate seats in order to cover costs is living in cloud cuckoo land. It is the other sources of money (Champions League, Sponsorship, TV etc.) that our owners will be concentrating on. I also think their intentions to pour £1bn into the area might be a sign of where they're expecting more real money to come from rather than a policy of charging £95 for kids and £250 for value seasoncards, as well as having more seasoncard holders this year. I'd be surprised if income from ticket sales alone increases at all this year. Even if it does, it won't be by much, a few million at most because compared to last season we now have a couple of thousand value seasoncard holders paying £13 a match and a few thousand people (the new seasoncard holders) paying a third to almost a half less than they would for a ticket going to a Citycard or accesscard holder. Compare that to the corporates where there has been a big bump in prices already and that will keep rolling until our prices are closing in on Chelsea's and the rags. When I went on the tour this summer, the prices of our corporate boxes (£100,000 or less), compared to the most expensive at Stamford and The Swamp (reaching over £1,000,000) demonstrated to me at least that is where the money for the increase we need in match day and gate revenue will be coming from in the main.
DontLookBackInAnger said:
andypandy said:
I was told by the guy conducting the City Tour that the stadium can only be incresed to around 60,000 max, which would involve continuing the third tier behind each goal

Apparently the problem is due to how the stadium was constructed in the first place and in particular the spiral entrances / exits. I was told that these spiral exists cannot be increased, and were specifcally designed to allow fans to exit the stadium in a specific time to do with ground safety regulations.

In short we cannot just add another tier all around.

Just passing on what I was told, but the tour I did was a few years back so maybe things / regulations etc have changed since
That makes sense, but I'm sure thats simply without major alteration to the ground, if the club is willing to spend enough it can be done.

-- Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:48 pm --

manimanc said:
surely by then we`ll have an extra 20k supporters made up of prawn butty brigade,gloryhunters,coaches from far and wide,god i hope not! It`s starting already,i`ve been buying a king of the kippax and lost count how many times an out of town voice has come up and asked if that`s the programme. Be prepared guys,with success comes it`s obstacles,i for sure don`t want to be at the match sat next to dagenham dave on his day out to eastlands......
It doesnt work like that, what happens(as with Chelsea)is that the "real" fans are pushed out and the ones that will pay the most added(the 2nd tier is a good example of that from next season), if you are willing to pay stupid money then you can stay if not you have to watch on sky. Make no mistake thats the choice we will face if they dont add seats.

rubbish! this isnt the kings road SW10 this is the north of England ,if you think your going to see season ticket prices at the same prices of chelsea/arsenal then your mistaken, if your theory is correct then why a family stand at £5 for kids one of the best deals in any football ground,there not just going to dump that and hike the cost up 1000%
marco said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
That makes sense, but I'm sure thats simply without major alteration to the ground, if the club is willing to spend enough it can be done.

-- Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:48 pm --

It doesnt work like that, what happens(as with Chelsea)is that the "real" fans are pushed out and the ones that will pay the most added(the 2nd tier is a good example of that from next season), if you are willing to pay stupid money then you can stay if not you have to watch on sky. Make no mistake thats the choice we will face if they dont add seats.

rubbish! this isnt the kings road SW10 this is the north of England ,if you think your going to see season ticket prices at the same prices of chelsea/arsenal then your mistaken, if your theory is correct then why a family stand at £5 for kids one of the best deals in any football ground,there not just going to dump that and hike the cost up 1000%
In the late 70s early 80s a season ticket at Maine Rd and Old Trafford was almost the same(you would pay less for one at Chelsea, but they where in the 2 Div). Now you will pay twice as much for a rag ticket. The reason seats are sold cheaply, is supply and demand, for many years it has been cheaper(for example)to buy a train ticket from Euston to Lime Street return than from Lime Street to Euston...why bacause more people from Liverpool want to visit London than Londoners Liverpool.
marco said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
That makes sense, but I'm sure thats simply without major alteration to the ground, if the club is willing to spend enough it can be done.

-- Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:48 pm --

It doesnt work like that, what happens(as with Chelsea)is that the "real" fans are pushed out and the ones that will pay the most added(the 2nd tier is a good example of that from next season), if you are willing to pay stupid money then you can stay if not you have to watch on sky. Make no mistake thats the choice we will face if they dont add seats.

rubbish! this isnt the kings road SW10 this is the north of England ,if you think your going to see season ticket prices at the same prices of chelsea/arsenal then your mistaken, if your theory is correct then why a family stand at £5 for kids one of the best deals in any football ground,there not just going to dump that and hike the cost up 1000%
Ticket Prices have already gone up significantly. £50 for Liverpool. More expensive prices for Valencia and Timisoira. If the capacity remains at 47k and we have any kind of success this season, then ticket prices will inevitably rise.
rubbish! this isnt the kings road SW10 this is the north of England ,if you think your going to see season ticket prices at the same prices of chelsea/arsenal then your mistaken, if your theory is correct then why a family stand at £5 for kids one of the best deals in any football ground,there not just going to dump that and hike the cost up 1000%[/quote]

agree and if they did increase prices that much then there pretty much excluding 90% of the fans that normally go

were a working class club with the majority working class fans when the day comes that we end up like chelsea ( prawn sandwich brigade) for me thats the death of the club and well end up being like united where local fans cant afford to go.

why not have a hamburg type model- fiver for adults why do we have to end up like chelsea or united why cant we be different i know we have to make money but if the club do plan on increasing prices to that level it would be stupid- its not London

by the way this is only my opinion of what it would be like if prices were increased 1000%

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