Sunderland Vs City Post match Discussion Thread

Dribble said:
East Level 2 said:
Dribble said:
First of all allow me to congratulate Sunderland, they played brilliantly especially in the 1st half. We were distinctly average and it took their 1st goal to wake us out of our slumber
Wow, so "brilliantly" involves committing a red-card tackle and being lucky enough to get away with it, and committing a foul in the lead up to a goal. Not the sort of "brilliantly" I normally associate with football but each to their own I suppose.
Sunderland's performance added up to more than the sum of their parts. They played to their maximum and we well below ours and they won simples. For all the 2nd half pressure we applied, we could still be playing now and we still wouldn't have scored.

Yes, there was a bad foul and Milner was 'out-muscled' for their goal but so what. We were beaten by the team who wanted it more on the day and there's no getting away from that. We were fuckin shit and got what our performance deserved and I for one aint looking for any feeble excuses to make myself feel better about a wank performance.

Feel free to bury your head as much as you want fella, but that rubbish performance was there for all to see and I hope MP sorts it out sooner rather than later. Seeing our players strolling about for the 1st 30 minutes whilst MP just sat there glum faced watching Poyet whip his team and their fans into a frenzy was painful for me to watch. So I'll stay on the side of reality if that's ok and leave the straw clutching to you dude......
Bollocks fella, or perhaps bollocks dude. I haven't disagreed anywhere with your assertion that we produced a "rubbish performance" and I'm certainly as pissed off as you are that we strolled around with no direction from MP while Poyet was constantly telling his mob what to do. You could try reading my post perhaps, all I've done is criticised your description of Sunderland as "brilliant" because of the unpunished red card offence on Garcia and the foul leading to the goal. I have never said our performance was anything other than shite. Try reading a few posts from the mob that think everything in the garden is rosy and MP will get it right (but they don't say how) if you want true delusion.
East Level 2 said:
Dribble said:
East Level 2 said:
Wow, so "brilliantly" involves committing a red-card tackle and being lucky enough to get away with it, and committing a foul in the lead up to a goal. Not the sort of "brilliantly" I normally associate with football but each to their own I suppose.
Sunderland's performance added up to more than the sum of their parts. They played to their maximum and we well below ours and they won simples. For all the 2nd half pressure we applied, we could still be playing now and we still wouldn't have scored.

Yes, there was a bad foul and Milner was 'out-muscled' for their goal but so what. We were beaten by the team who wanted it more on the day and there's no getting away from that. We were fuckin shit and got what our performance deserved and I for one aint looking for any feeble excuses to make myself feel better about a wank performance.

Feel free to bury your head as much as you want fella, but that rubbish performance was there for all to see and I hope MP sorts it out sooner rather than later. Seeing our players strolling about for the 1st 30 minutes whilst MP just sat there glum faced watching Poyet whip his team and their fans into a frenzy was painful for me to watch. So I'll stay on the side of reality if that's ok and leave the straw clutching to you dude......
Bollocks fella, or perhaps bollocks dude. I haven't disagreed anywhere with your assertion that we produced a "rubbish performance" and I'm certainly as pissed off as you are that we strolled around with no direction from MP while Poyet was constantly telling his mob what to do. You could try reading my post perhaps, all I've done is criticised your description of Sunderland as "brilliant" because of the unpunished red card offence on Garcia and the foul leading to the goal. I have never said our performance was anything other than shite. Try reading a few posts from the mob that think everything in the garden is rosy and MP will get it right (but they don't say how) if you want true delusion.

Until we hit our straps away from home assuming we do at some stage over some sustainable period ( not suggesting we will or won't and who cares what I think anyway ) we don't really know how we can cope without VK and DS being out the side at the same time for an extended period of time both home and away.

Is Yaya clueless or two lazy without Ferni or doesn't it matter?

Can we keep a clean sheet away from home no matter who the back four are with our 4-4-2 set up?

These and other questions will reveal themselves as the season progresses.

What does interest me though is the fact that several learned posters think that a number of our first team squad cannot and will never adapt to the " way management and the owners and the Spanish duo " want us to play and that combined with a number of other factors makes them essential to be shipped off sooner rather than later and replaced by players that can.

The sheer number of these players means notwithstanding the injuries and suspensions that will continue to occur throughout the season makes it impossible to move them off in one transfer window least of all the January window where depending on where we sit in the table come Dec 31 we could only replace VK if he becomes a sick note at best anyway and maybe a permanent left back should a class one be available that isn't cup tied.

Existing time remaining on their contracts have to be taken into account as well.
OK, I've gotta put my hand up and admit that I was wrong, oh so wrong, about this result. Fact is, I just couldn't see how a team with our basic level of talent in it could do anything but win this one. I still can't get my head round it, TBH. Let's be fair about this, Sunderland defended like lions, but they're never going to be anything more than an incredibly limited team. There is no way that a team composed entirely of internationals like ours A few thoughts, for what they're worth. Sunday looked like a return to the bad old days of last season, when in match after match, we would wander round for the first forty-five minutes as if we were on fucking holiday or something, and only start playing with real urgency in the second half. We should have taken that game by the scruff of its neck from the very first minute (not just the second half). That's what I can't forgive. Second: why, why, does Pellegrini persist in playing Garcia ahead of Rodwell, if Rodwell's fit and available? It's not that Garcia's crap (yes, I know, everybody except me thinks he is), but he just brings nothing positive to the table for the team as a whole. Rodwell may be made of glass, but for God's sake let's use him till he breaks. He was the only good thing about the Norwich match last season. Third: Jimmy's not the kind of player who goes down for nothing, it's not his game. That was a foul, but it doesn't really matter, because in my book, even a draw would have been failure, for a team that's seriously challenging for the title. Last: it's meagre consolation, I know, but the only thing that's keeping us in it is that nobody else seems to be much cop. Chelsea salvage a point at home by one of the most diabolical decisions by a ref that I've seen in years. Despite being bigged up by a media conspiracy, Arsenal lose to the most mediocre rag side these last twenty five years. Spuds lose — for the second time — at home. Who's convincing, really? Not us, but who else? Liverpool? If ever there was a team that's dependent on two players, it's them. We're still in it, but for negative reasons, and only just.
This was a post following an article in the Guardian,some of it not correct but an awful lot of it is in my opinion although the last paragraph makes me think he has never been on Bluemoon:

City have a good first team but lot of average replacements. Some of their defenders just don't cut it at the top level. Demichelis is pretty much finished, Clichy and Kolarov just can't defend, Nastasic and Lescott are error prone and Kompany is injury prone. In short that City defense is a disaster.

The most overrated City player is Toure. This is a player I have watched quite a bit in La Liga. He plays in bursts and disappears in large portions of the game. He just doesn't give enough control in midfield. Please do remember he was displaced from the Barça team by a 20 year old Sergio Busquets. He is basically a Barça reject. City are missing Silva a lot. Him and Kun are by far the best players in the team.

I have to say English football fans seem to be very patient with their teams. They don't criticize teams much even when they are not playing well. The kind of wages the City players are on that kind of away performances are just not acceptable. The City away fans should demand refund for their ticket and travel expenses! If Real or Barça were playing like City are right now away from now, the manager would have already been sacked. Spending so much money and losing 4 out of 6 away games is just not good enough.
Tbilisi said:
This was a post following an article in the Guardian,some of it not correct but an awful lot of it is in my opinion although the last paragraph makes me think he has never been on Bluemoon:

City have a good first team but lot of average replacements. Some of their defenders just don't cut it at the top level. Demichelis is pretty much finished, Clichy and Kolarov just can't defend, Nastasic and Lescott are error prone and Kompany is injury prone. In short that City defense is a disaster.

The most overrated City player is Toure. This is a player I have watched quite a bit in La Liga. He plays in bursts and disappears in large portions of the game. He just doesn't give enough control in midfield. Please do remember he was displaced from the Barça team by a 20 year old Sergio Busquets. He is basically a Barça reject. City are missing Silva a lot. Him and Kun are by far the best players in the team.

I have to say English football fans seem to be very patient with their teams. They don't criticize teams much even when they are not playing well. The kind of wages the City players are on that kind of away performances are just not acceptable. The City away fans should demand refund for their ticket and travel expenses! If Real or Barça were playing like City are right now away from now, the manager would have already been sacked. Spending so much money and losing 4 out of 6 away games is just not good enough.

I've got this bloke on my watch-list.
Sigh said:
Tbilisi said:
This was a post following an article in the Guardian,some of it not correct but an awful lot of it is in my opinion although the last paragraph makes me think he has never been on Bluemoon:

City have a good first team but lot of average replacements. Some of their defenders just don't cut it at the top level. Demichelis is pretty much finished, Clichy and Kolarov just can't defend, Nastasic and Lescott are error prone and Kompany is injury prone. In short that City defense is a disaster.

The most overrated City player is Toure. This is a player I have watched quite a bit in La Liga. He plays in bursts and disappears in large portions of the game. He just doesn't give enough control in midfield. Please do remember he was displaced from the Barça team by a 20 year old Sergio Busquets. He is basically a Barça reject. City are missing Silva a lot. Him and Kun are by far the best players in the team.

I have to say English football fans seem to be very patient with their teams. They don't criticize teams much even when they are not playing well. The kind of wages the City players are on that kind of away performances are just not acceptable. The City away fans should demand refund for their ticket and travel expenses! If Real or Barça were playing like City are right now away from now, the manager would have already been sacked. Spending so much money and losing 4 out of 6 away games is just not good enough.

I've got this bloke on my watch-list.

Watched him the other week on SKY,gave away a poor free kick that produced a goal and looked unsteady but did look to have an appetite for a battle which with Vinny out we don't have.
Seriously? Go out and buy more players??!? Absolutely fkin crazy, we got championship winning players and internationals, they should be winning and that is down to the manager... Last thing we need is for more players that we know nothing about when it comes to playing in the prem.
Yes it was a very poor performance but who tells the players that they have to try and walk the ball into the net against a packed defence. YaYa had a chance to shoot from the edge of the box on a few occasions and chose to pass. How come he can take a good free kick from outside the box but can't shoot in open play. There is always a chance that it will take a deflection and go into the net.
As for the defence should have kept Kolo.
Can we ask Everton if we can have Barry back and give them Garcia.
As for trying to offload players who is going to pay them the wages they're on at City.
Tbilisi said:
Sigh said:
Tbilisi said:
This was a post following an article in the Guardian,some of it not correct but an awful lot of it is in my opinion although the last paragraph makes me think he has never been on Bluemoon:

City have a good first team but lot of average replacements. Some of their defenders just don't cut it at the top level. Demichelis is pretty much finished, Clichy and Kolarov just can't defend, Nastasic and Lescott are error prone and Kompany is injury prone. In short that City defense is a disaster.

The most overrated City player is Toure. This is a player I have watched quite a bit in La Liga. He plays in bursts and disappears in large portions of the game. He just doesn't give enough control in midfield. Please do remember he was displaced from the Barça team by a 20 year old Sergio Busquets. He is basically a Barça reject. City are missing Silva a lot. Him and Kun are by far the best players in the team.

I have to say English football fans seem to be very patient with their teams. They don't criticize teams much even when they are not playing well. The kind of wages the City players are on that kind of away performances are just not acceptable. The City away fans should demand refund for their ticket and travel expenses! If Real or Barça were playing like City are right now away from now, the manager would have already been sacked. Spending so much money and losing 4 out of 6 away games is just not good enough.

I've got this bloke on my watch-list.

Watched him the other week on SKY,gave away a poor free kick that produced a goal and looked unsteady but did look to have an appetite for a battle which with Vinny out we don't have.
Sigh said:
Tbilisi said:
This was a post following an article in the Guardian,some of it not correct but an awful lot of it is in my opinion although the last paragraph makes me think he has never been on Bluemoon:

City have a good first team but lot of average replacements. Some of their defenders just don't cut it at the top level. Demichelis is pretty much finished, Clichy and Kolarov just can't defend, Nastasic and Lescott are error prone and Kompany is injury prone. In short that City defense is a disaster.

The most overrated City player is Toure. This is a player I have watched quite a bit in La Liga. He plays in bursts and disappears in large portions of the game. He just doesn't give enough control in midfield. Please do remember he was displaced from the Barça team by a 20 year old Sergio Busquets. He is basically a Barça reject. City are missing Silva a lot. Him and Kun are by far the best players in the team.

I have to say English football fans seem to be very patient with their teams. They don't criticize teams much even when they are not playing well. The kind of wages the City players are on that kind of away performances are just not acceptable. The City away fans should demand refund for their ticket and travel expenses! If Real or Barça were playing like City are right now away from now, the manager would have already been sacked. Spending so much money and losing 4 out of 6 away games is just not good enough.

I've got this bloke on my watch-list.

Might be worth adding De Boer, Laudrup and maybe AVB (ambitious) to that.

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