Supporters Club AGM

How many of you are going to the AGM of the OSC on Sunday? Will they allow us to ask questions?


I think questions are asked if the item is on the agenda but I’ve only been to the AGM once before.

I know on finance questions they ask for the questions in advance because the Exec Committee might need to liaise with an official who has had health problems IIRC.

I’ve just submitted our membership form and we have grown by 17 members since the end of March. This is despite us getting 2 tickets for West Ham and me refusing to submit a request for Bournemouth away.

Supporters Club members were covered by the previous ticket checks and were always going to be included in the new ones.
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I can’t read the
I’ll look out for you @Tim of the Oak. Bit early in the morning for some I guess! ;-)

It would help if we knew the agenda in advance I guess. My question wouldn’t have been about finance.

I’ve not seen an the agenda Sheila. Last year it went through the different exec areas of responsibility IIRC including:
- Finance
- Membership
- Travel
- Tickets
- Alex Williams and City in the Community
- some crappy presentation about an electronic wrist band

Looking forward to meeting you on Sunday. I will try to wear my Kappa Lazer Blue shirt for ID lol
The reason I asked this question was because there is a lot of moaning and complaining, quite justified in some cases, and I thought this could be an opportunity to ask questions of the people who should be able to give straight answer, rather than 'Chinese whispers' and rumours.

As my Dad said when I was starting out in the world of work: 'If there is a union, join it and attend the meetings. You can't influence or complain if you don't know what they are discussing. You then have very little right to complain if they implement something you don't agree with.' In other words if you want to influence something you have to be there to ask the questions, listen to the answers, get the information. JMHO

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