Swansea Post Match thread

Good 3 points.
Great going forward and defensively shocking at times.
There have been many times this season I was worried about finishing top 4, so more than happy.
Really upset we won today, it's stopped me coming on here and having a good whine, but here goes:

The keeper is shit, let in two goals.
The defence are shit, letting the rest of the team down.
The midfield are shit, not protecting the defence enough.
The attack are shit, only scoring 4 goals away from home.

The manager is shit, his changes via starting xi and subs only resulted in 3 goals.
I can't blame MP too much for today. Some of our players are gun- ho, ala Ferny and Bony, and some are just wrung out. I hate to say this, but this team needs some new young blood. Kompany needs his Nards back.
Tremendous win and a really good game. Swansea are a decent side and I thought their goals had far more to do with good play on their part than poor play on ours. Yes they had one or two othwr chances, two that came from our cnetre backs giving the ball away. Hart's worldie was from a header at a corner.

We had loads of chances and probably should have put the game to bed before they equalised but we showed quality and determination to go and win it.
Carn't believe he wouldn't celebrate fuck me how long was he there? 28 mil a decent wage and Champions league football 2 goals and the **** refused to celebrate..Pissed me off that..

Some poor defending on show today this needs addressing and fast in pre season along with corner taking and FFS MP stop with the chopping and changing defenders..
Aguero goal should have stood he was never offside the decisions against us this season have been piss poor
2nd it is then got to be happy with that.. Remember another team the defending Champions finishing 7th...



kippax4ever said:
moon said:
3rd secured
Hart save world class think motd doing save of the season got to have a chance

Not a chance Philippe Coutinho will get it before Joe..Lol

One of De Gea's where he stood still and the striker kicked the ball straight at him is nailed on as the winner.
Bluep*ss said:
Cracking game – I know that 2-4 is a great result. When City went 2-0 I had kittens. Why ? . -because we seem to have mind blocks and it came back to 2-2. Yaya was up to it today and I thought Silva was brilliant.
Hart – “save out of this world”. When Kompany came on – What on earth was the tactics/ – we were all at sea. Demi looked bemused.- Mangala was at times shaky but I noticed he got 2 headers from corners.
What odds Bony would score.
Bring on the Saints next week.

The curse of the two nil lead! We haven't been turned over after leading 2-0, AFAICR, but we've dropped points when they should've been in the bag. Thought the next time I switched on for an update from the MDC, I was gonna be greeted with 3-2!! Good on yer Yaya!!
Our season in cameo.

Shocking defending, brilliant saves, dismal finishing, overrun in midfield, brilliant finishing.

Luckily it went our way in the end, but - as with the games we've fucked up - it could very easily have gone another way.

We have more than enough quality and just need to cut the awful shit out, something we've failed to do too often this season.
Someone has had a word with pelligrini. We are playing with the right shape, settled back 4 and making the right subs/right time

Defending aside I thought we played very well today. Mangala made some horrible decisions. Looks like a fish out of water. But I think he'll come good when he works that out of his game. That gomis chance was from a ball played straight between our centre backs. Too far apart from kompany who was also at fault

Looking forward to the summer think we are in better shape but need some big players in this time

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