Swearing on BM (and England in general)

I notice a liberal use of the "c" word in the Matchday threads but no use of the granddaddy of them all (the "f" word). They're both frowned on in America but the "c" word is considered much more offensive. Is the "f" word a no-no on here.

I ask because I had a comment about Neymar that could have been a little more colorful.
It’s cunts like you that fuck me off especially on a match day you fucking ****, read the last bit as Petter Cook in Derick and Clyde.
The word **** can be used in so many ways, from outright aggresion, to affection. It's a great word, and if it offends yanks then great.
I just did a search for each word, as used by me on here, and the results were,

"Fuck" - 25 pages of results

"****" - 6 pages...

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