SWP- A Defence


Active Member
6 Nov 2008
i've been very perturbed recently to see people having a go at SWP for his performances, last year his homecoming when it appeared we had no cash was treated like a gift from the gods, now we have cash, we treat him like a pariah. his performances now are more reasoned, more mature and a reflection of his time spent at Chelsea, playing in a team that wins things. he's a far more accomplished player for leaving, people keep saying he runs into blind alley's -i beg to differ, he draws 2 or 3 people to him and very rarely gets support on the outside so it's a safe ball inside. It's up to our right backs to use the space he creates.

Let's deal in facts for this season alone

who set up Ade after 3 mins of the season leaving the defender on his arse?
who set up Ade for the 3rd V the arse?
who scored the 4th v the arse?
who broke the deadlock v palace?
who spent most of the derby covering micah's oversized arse and ego? then when he did get the chance to attack ran at them like he meant it? and drew bookings for Vidic and Evra?
if you can bear to look at pic of the little scouse sewer rat in the 96th min, take a look at the only blue shirt making an attempt.
he started the move for Bellers v villa the other night.

it seems we as City fans, always like to have a whipping boy and a lot of the time they are home grown-Power, Edghill, ireland now sweep. we love them more but we also forgive them less.

i read someone say they already rated Weiss better than him-are you on drugs? Vladi will be a king, but anyone who saw the fulham game knows he's not yet ready to start a game and is a very promising player.

i've spent 37 years waiting for hope, we have got it and a team to match and we are still moaning.

right, i feel better for that.
good point man but ade also set him up he missed a sitter i know he scored after that..he looked tired as fuck against arse..but i love him the ball is like glue to his foot..everytime he gets the ball i feel like here we go somethings happening..we are class this year..so i have no complaints
I agree totally, some people just seem to have the need to have boo boy. KIDS MORE THAN LIKELY,
its these type of fickel fans that we and the players need to ignore because In my mind there is no doubt that the players read these forums, maybe bellers read some of the comments made by some people and decided, "you know what, I am going to let my football do the talking and hopefully win these fans over" and thats exactly what he has done, and as for SWP just keep up with what your doing mate, Im a fan who is very proud of your form and proud to have you at our club
Nah you're all fucking wrong, it's Bradley. Mate you do know you're in a Soccer AM competition with him right..?

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