Szczesny giving City fans abuse

I wouldnt be to concerned about recieving a jail sentance that would be ludacris (If your version of events is accurate) Expect a fine though. Had a similar incedent myself, stick to the sane story without cctv they wint have enough evidence to consider further action.
mayo31 said:
Need some advice but I cannot post a new topic

When mario was awarded his second yellow card I ran down the steps in block 20 to shout and scream at the ref, it was quite stupid as mario deserved the cards.

As I ran down the steps I remember going past a steward, this important. I don't remember pushing or shoving said steward.

When I got to the front I put my left foot on the wall and then the steward at the pitch side came towards me, he had his hands out to push me back. I held my right hand up and pushed his chest as we came together.

I was then escorted by two other stewards who came from behind me to a police holding cell.

Eventually I was told I was being arrested for two grounds of common assault. It seems the one at the pitch side is one assault and the other is the steward I ran past on the steps. This I assume as I have not been officially told if that is the case.

I was released on bail at 9.44pm last night. I have to return to london on the 10th may to see if I am charged.

One police officer told me the maximum sentence is 6 months inside, this is my first offence and to hear such does worry me.

I felt the whole process was quite rushed by the police. I was asked if I needed a solicitor but also I would have to stay all night if I need.

I was interviewed and told my side as I have above and now wait.

Any advice or experiences appreciated.

did you have a yellow coat on?

I do dislike london police, whats wrong with eating a pie!?
lancs blue said:
Stoneleigh Blues said:
SZCZESNY has been reported to Highbury Police Station reference CAD6382/8April, if you wish to join in the report phone MET Police on 07815947080

Pathetic, are you seriously saying you were offended by someone making wanker gestures at a football match??

Absolutely !
Right...... i got pulled off the bus i was on by met police for giving arsenal fans wanker signs.

all what happend was i got my name taken and told not to do it again.
i expect less for Szczesny.

it's pointless/petty reporting it all you are doing is wasting your phone credit.

get over it :)
BezzMCFC said:
mayo31 said:
Need some advice but I cannot post a new topic

When mario was awarded his second yellow card I ran down the steps in block 20 to shout and scream at the ref, it was quite stupid as mario deserved the cards.

As I ran down the steps I remember going past a steward, this important. I don't remember pushing or shoving said steward.

When I got to the front I put my left foot on the wall and then the steward at the pitch side came towards me, he had his hands out to push me back. I held my right hand up and pushed his chest as we came together.

I was then escorted by two other stewards who came from behind me to a police holding cell.

Eventually I was told I was being arrested for two grounds of common assault. It seems the one at the pitch side is one assault and the other is the steward I ran past on the steps. This I assume as I have not been officially told if that is the case.

I was released on bail at 9.44pm last night. I have to return to london on the 10th may to see if I am charged.

One police officer told me the maximum sentence is 6 months inside, this is my first offence and to hear such does worry me.

I felt the whole process was quite rushed by the police. I was asked if I needed a solicitor but also I would have to stay all night if I need.

I was interviewed and told my side as I have above and now wait.

Any advice or experiences appreciated.

did you have a yellow coat on?

I do dislike london police, whats wrong with eating a pie!?

No, I had a blue coat on.

A lad in the station with me was arrested for calling the arsenal goalkeeper some names. Charged with racial aggreviation
Josh Blue said:
He got a bottled thrown at him and the bloke behind me called him an ugly ****... I couldnt care less if he did a wanker sign lol

Bottle wasn't thrown at Szczesny. He was nowhere near where it landed at the time. Question is .... what would have happened it if had hit Balotelli ?
<a class="postlink" href="*t8z6JHUZMxcpUshe0O7Hc2Q7LXu3jHfGT3fe-6-e/emiratesbeer3.JPG&w=588&h=394&ei=PsOET9WwHMG_0QWBwrTSBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=365&vpy=153&dur=1773&hovh=184&hovw=274&tx=140&ty=97&sig=102589379644129104074&page=1&tbnh=136&tbnw=182&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:70" onclick=";return false;"> ... 1,s:0,i:70</a>

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