Tactical again

PistonBlue said:
Soulboy said:
Can you honestly say ANY of his 18 signings have improved under his management?

I can't think of one.

You could definitely say Ireland improved under Hughes last season. A good player was suddenly a very good player. I don't know how much of that was down to Hughes but there was considerable improvement.

Just remind me... when did Hughes sign Ireland?
Soulboy said:
PistonBlue said:
You could definitely say Ireland improved under Hughes last season. A good player was suddenly a very good player. I don't know how much of that was down to Hughes but there was considerable improvement.

Just remind me... when did Hughes sign Ireland?

I think you know the point I was making.
I'm not a fan of Hughes, but trying to look at the game objectively, his tactics were not that bad today. I think he was as frustrated as anybody that the team switched off for the dippers equaliser, but he had called it right with the Tevez sub and putting more width into our second half play.

That said, Liverpool were not great and if we were really a top 4 standard side we'd have won the game.
bigquinn772 said:
riley347 said:
we,re 6th with 1 DEFEAT IN 12 GAMES!!.........where,s the issue guys???...........

Some of them can't see this!

No, some don't see 1 defeat in 12 games as necessarily a good outcome.

Would you be happy if we draw the rest of our matches and finish the season with 1 defeat in 38?
riley347 said:
we,re 6th with 1 DEFEAT IN 12 GAMES!!.........where,s the issue guys???...........

If we draw the next 10 games will you say...were in the bottom half but weve only lost once in 22....where's the issue?

Hughes nees to start winning games, NOW, that is what he is paid to do, not draw them.
How about Bellamy? Given? Bridge? De Jong? Even the fairly useless Caicedo improved under Hughes.

Obviously though, he goes for the formation all Hughes outers wanted to be played,
he drops those players Hughes outers wanted to drop,
he plays players Hughes outers wanted to be played,

should I keep going? I think not really, Hughes outers seem to migrate to new threads when I post...

some people here are unbelievable. I mean, I recall us shaking our heads and pointing fingers at Villa fans for booing their own team during their poor form in the second half of the season and now we're being just as bad after what is, on paper, a rather good result. And in my view not a bad performance barring a few moments either.

I'm no-one to tell people what to do but I do feel shame that these people claim to support the team I do.
Soulboy said:
Ricster said:
Not just Anfield though.

Can you honestly say SWP and Ireland have been the same players this season?

Can you honestly say ANY of his 18 signings have improved under his management?

I can't think of one.
The money we've spent the players shouldn't need to improve!
Soulboy said:
PistonBlue said:
I think you know the point I was making.

And I'm sure you got the point I was making.

Either that, or you have trouble reading.

Actually no I don't see the point you're making. Neither do I see the relevance in a thread about tactics. I also don't see why you limited the question to players signed by Hughes. Does improving home grown players not count?

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