
The irony being that we are a better run business than any other club you can name

Talkshite and SSN devastated that the Mahrez interest has ended. I am sure they had what they thought were really witty digs about our spending that they were going to use and now they have to bin them. Irony is that we aren't looking for a shirt salesman. We were looking to supplement the team. They think its just a matter of digging into our "bottomless coffers" - no idea of FFP v 2.0 and its implications. We establish a target and limits and won't pay over the odds hence Sanchez arrived at the swamp. So what? Wankers.
The irony being that we are a better run business than any other club you can name
No we're not. Arsenal are run better, Wenger says so. United are run better, as their money is earned, ours is just oil money on loan until the sheikh gets bored. Liverpool are run better, no trophies, but my God they do hold the moral high ground.......
Dom McGuiness (rag fan boy, but Talkshite's Manchester football correspondent) said that City never made an offer for Marhez. He then went on to say, City told him they formally contacted Leicester but walked away when Leicester valued the player at £95M

Twenty minutes later on the sport headlines, Talkshite report City made an offer of £65M and a player
Dom McGuiness (rag fan boy, but Talkshite's Manchester football correspondent) said that City never made an offer for Marhez. He then went on to say, City told him they formally contacted Leicester but walked away when Leicester valued the player at £95M

Twenty minutes later on the sport headlines, Talkshite report City made an offer of £65M and a player
Can't believe it took them 20 mins to even come up with that nonsense.
Brazil is getting worse, nearly rang in this morning to tell the fat fucker that he is stealing a wonder he is losing audience.

He is one of two things to guests on the phone...
1) that he asks a question, then talks over them as they answer
2) goes through his standard questions....
A) So friend of the station and ex Chelsea player ****** welcome....can Giroud go to Chelsea?
After the reply......

Standard and obligatory follow up question.

B) ...and what do you make of Sanchez going to United?

What the actual fuck?
Is he just pissed, braindead, or fuckin useless...... maybe all 3 !!
It's clear the Talksport etc have a serious agenda with Man City and I'll include Arsenal with this because they Talksport have a hatred of them as well. Liverpool, United and Spurs can do no wrong, that we all know. What I find most unbelievable, is that Arsene Wenger who has been totally disrespected by PEG over many years now says that United are a super club blah, blah, blah. Yet Pep who shows nothing but respect to Wenger etc, is according to Wenger manager of a club with no morals. A clear agenda, no doubt about it!

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