Understand they are still big mates now, but felt they were told old for messing about and I think Lard (Marc Riley) wanted to do a more serious music based show. Big blues both of them and always stood up for us when required, even in the dark days. One of the very few mustn't miss radio shows.
Indeed! Both have their own shows on the only decent radio station in the country now which says a lot.
City were up and down but we still had one of if not
the best fanbase in the country at the time so it was cool to be a City fan then anyway. Add to that Mark, Lard, the Gallaghers, and others, who were all part of the cool popular scenes of the 90s and they were all Mancunian Blues, it made being a City fan actually desirable and for a time we were in the third tier. Mad really. And Mancunians had already been seen as cool since the late 70s anyway because of music, especially with the Madchester scene of the late 80s/early 90s.
It’s like Leeds or Blackburn now having local fans of their club on a prime afternoon nationwide slot on the radio that everyone listens to and local fans of their club in the biggest band in the country, after two decades of great music coming out of either of those cities.
It was cooler being a City fan then than it is now!
You’d go on holiday and could wear your City top whilst having your morning coffee and get chatting to a fan of any club from anywhere and you’d have a laugh about City, how good our fans were, how everyone hates United, and Mark’n’Lard and Oasis would invariably pop up in conversation too. It’s a shame anyone outside meeting a Sunderland or West Ham fan these days seems to have forgotten about that part of us.
Nowadays I wouldn’t wear a City top on holiday and would be hesitant to bring up football in conversation unless I’d sussed someone out after a few conversations in case he was one of the typical modern thick as fuck red top footy fan who would mention “oil money” or “emptyhad” in the first minute.