lots of fat references i see...His twitter Timeline is hilarious, getting absolutely hammered about his performance yesterday. Bet his ban hammer is going into overdrive
lots of fat references i see...His twitter Timeline is hilarious, getting absolutely hammered about his performance yesterday. Bet his ban hammer is going into overdrive
Better than bad.I've rarely seen any positive remarks towards talk sport. I've never listened ! myself, is it as bad as made out?
Neil Custis and The Sun.
Nuff said.
I'm pissed off Custis like Gary Numan, we have something in common unfortunately, then again my wife calls me a busllshit artist and hypocrite. Tonight Matthew I 'm gonna be Neil ...
Replicas Live, with NIN unbelievable!
I saw that too.
Still ahead of his time Mr Numan
Saw him at the Academy last year - he's better than ever.Still rocks, watched a few of his concerts on YouTube, just like being there again only several decades older What a bloody talent though GM jeez.