Teenagers Having Kids

I think what the OP was getting at is the teenagers that knock out three or so before their twenty, get their council house, all the benefits, child benefits, free this and that - all with the intention of not having to work again. Thus claiming everything from the taxpayer. They can get their Sky TV, 20 fags a day and booze - and their happy. And this is what we pay for.
It is sad in a way that these young kids think this is the best way forward to them at such a young age, whether it's lack of education/direction, peer pressure or their just following their parents example.
I'm generalising a bit - obviously their is a number of people that have been young when they've had their first child - Good luck to you, but I don't think the OP was aiming towards you.
My worry is that if these kids are knocking out three or more when they are so young and living off the state, no direction in life etc. then what hope have we have we got for the next generation which will in most cases follow their role models - parents (or parent) - It will be a mushroom effect.....
The Pink Panther said:
TheLegendOfBerti said:
simple solution, we should stop funding it. Nip it in the bud.

But whoever is in Government wont.
Blair made a pledge when he became PM of bringing hundreds of thousands of kids out of poverty. Basically what he did was reward lazy arsed twats and encourage an even bigger culture of social spongers.

The first thing that should happen is a law that says that if a woman is not married then she's only a mistress, so the biological father has no responsibility for the child, plus the Government should not pay benefits to a woman who has a child or children out of wedlock.[/quote]

Thats bollocks that is.
mcfcliam said:
TheLegendOfBerti said:
Could have been to college, finished at 18 instead of 16 and got a job, left home though to be honest I'm thinking more mid to late 20's.

Just had someone from my year at college drop out 5 months ago, had her kid today, and I think it's wrong.

Don't get me wrong mate, having a kid at 16 and 17 etc is wrong.

But once you're 18/19, have a job, house and stable finances to support the child then I don't have a problem with that.

The problem isn't with the kids that can afford to have babies and raise them without state financial help. It's the ones (and this goes for any age) that have no prospect, or intention, of bringing a kid into the world and actually paying for it without signing on. Then they go and have another, and another, all at the expense of the state.
I'd withdraw all financial help for anyone having a 2nd child if they're claiming benefits for the 1st.
A few people I know have kids and their about my age (17), one of my good mates has a kid and he has no intention of claiming benefits and works as well as going to college so that hes got the qualifications to get a better job.

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